How The Film About Princess Diana Is Made

How The Film About Princess Diana Is Made
How The Film About Princess Diana Is Made

Another film about Princess Diana is being shot in Hollywood. Oscar-nominated Naomi Watts plays the main role in it, and Oliver Hirschbigel is the director. Filming takes place in Pakistan, Angola, Croatia and France, and its premiere is scheduled for February 2013.

How the film about Princess Diana is made
How the film about Princess Diana is made

There was a lot of controversy and rumors surrounding the choice of the actress for the role of Princess Diana in the new film directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel. The most likely candidate was Jessica Chastain, who has proven herself well in the drama The Tree of Life. However, they subsequently opted for an Australian of British descent Naomi Watts.

At first glance, it is difficult to find something in common in the traits of the deceased princess and the actress, but the lion's share of the acting consists in reincarnation. Witnesses who have visited the filming of the film unanimously claim that Naomi is in the frame as a spitting image of Diana. This is confirmed by some of the photographs that captured the working moments of the filming, which were leaked to the media.

Originally the picture about the princess was called "Caught in Flight", but later it was renamed into the short "Diana". It is about the last two years of the life of the queen of human hearts. The truth about them surfaced only in 2008, and it became known that this is how long the princess's romance with the Pakistani doctor Hasnat Khan lasted.

Many books have been written about Diana, a new film about her life is a film adaptation of the novel by her bodyguard Ken Worf. The story he told the world became a real sensation. The author states that Khan was the one the princess truly loved. For the sake of being with him, she even intended to move to his homeland. The script for the book was written by Stephen Jeffries.

The role of the Pakistani who captured Diana's heart is played by Naveen Andrews, known to the wider audience from the TV series Lost. Dodi Fayeda, with whom she crashed in a car accident, is played by Kas Anwar. In addition, actors Juliet Stevenson, Michael Byrne, Douglas Hodge and others are involved in the film.

The shooting of the film "Diana" takes place in several countries of the world, in real places where the princess visited in those years. These include Pakistan, Angola, Croatia, Mozambique, England and finally France. The creators try to accurately convey the details and environment of the princess. This is confirmed by the paparazzi pictures of the scene on the yacht in a blue swimsuit. Real photographs of the princess were once bought by the magazine for $ 6 million and spread all over the world.

The actress Naomi Watts approached the role of Diana more than seriously. Living in the image, she carefully studied the biography of the princess, visited her favorite places. But most importantly, she tries to convey the warmth, kindness and ability to empathize with the famous queen of hearts, which brought her the love of her compatriots.
