How To Improve Your Speaking Skills

How To Improve Your Speaking Skills
How To Improve Your Speaking Skills

Communication is our tool for connecting with the world. Through conversation, we convey our thoughts to other people and try to understand the words they said. But, unfortunately, not every person is given the ability to reach people's hearts with the help of speech. To improve your communication skills and feel at ease in society, you need to know only five simple rules.

How to improve your speaking skills
How to improve your speaking skills

Parasite words - down with

The more often "mmm", "em", "a", "in general" and similar words are found in the speaker's speech, the more often the listener is distracted from the topic of the conversation, more tense and gradually loses interest in the speaker. Parasitic words are undoubtedly a thing to get rid of. If in this way you are trying to take awkward pauses between your thoughts, then accept the truth: silence is better than constantly repeating words. Start to control your speech and over time you will notice that awkward pauses disappeared along with the words-parasites, and speech became fast and natural.

Your life story is more interesting than you think

To win over people, you need to open yourself to them. The best way is to tell about yourself. There is no need to express the general phrases that we are taught to talk about ourselves in English lessons. Think of a funny or unusual story in your life. Start telling and you yourself will not notice how you remember another one and another. Of course, delving into the depths and turning your life inside out is not worth it, but a couple of examples from personal experience will not hurt.

A good listener is worth its weight in gold

Don't be afraid to ask questions. Most people love to be interested in their life. If you don't know where to start, ask questions that you yourself would like to hear. Summer plans, work, family. Even the most familiar topics can be very important to your interlocutor. Do not forget that the most important thing in communication, especially if you are asking questions, is the ability to listen. Do not treat your interlocutor with dissatisfaction about his constant whining, do not be distracted by checking SMS in your phone, do not switch the subject. Let the other person speak by listening carefully, and you will gain the trust of another person.

Different audience - different terms

Always remember who is around you at the moment. If you are at a corporate party, then you should not go into the details of your personal life. When meeting with friends, don't go into work stories. At an official meeting, forget about your desires, talk only about the topic. Choose your communication style based on your environment.

Body language as a direct key to success

Don't forget about body language, which has a lot to say about you. If you say that you are ready for a frank conversation, and you yourself cross your legs and arms over your chest, the interlocutor may misunderstand you and even be offended. Gestures can sometimes speak more than words, so it's worth studying the literature that will help you learn how to use the body and words in conjunction.