The Greatest Personality In The History Of Russia

The Greatest Personality In The History Of Russia
The Greatest Personality In The History Of Russia

The Russian land gave the world many great and talented people. Debates have been going on for a long time about who should be awarded the title of the greatest. The studies and opinion polls carried out helped to clarify the opinions of the majority on this matter, as a result of which several historical figures were identified, claiming to be the greatest and most important.

The greatest personality in the history of Russia
The greatest personality in the history of Russia

Whom to choose

There has been a long debate about who should be recognized as the greatest person in the history of Russia. Of course, there are plenty of worthy personalities in the country's centuries-old history. These are great writers and poets, politicians and reformers, athletes and representatives of the clergy. The Russian land generously gave and continues to present the world with talented people, brilliant scientists, wise politicians and courageous experimenters. But who should be recognized as the most outstanding? Opinions vary here.

Peter the Great

In accordance with the research carried out, it is this figure that occupies the first place in the list of the greatest people of Russia. Peter I undoubtedly made a real breakthrough, which forever changed the face of the country and gave the starting point for a completely new path of development. The tsar-reformer became the creator of the regular army and navy, founded Petersburg. Thanks to Peter, a strong state was founded, which received the name of the Russian Empire. Another undoubted merit of Peter the Great was his desire to turn Russia into a civilized secular state.

Catherine II

Another significant figure in Russian history. Catherine II is rightfully recognized as the “gatherer of the land”. During her reign, the territories of Belarus and western Ukraine, Lithuania, Courland and the Crimean peninsula were annexed to Russian soil. The Empress carried out many important reforms in the trade, social and educational sectors. During the time of Catherine the Hermitage and the monument to Peter I were built, which to this day is a symbol of St. Petersburg.

Alexander Suvorov

The greatest commander has come a long way from private to generalissimo. Amazing feats, bold military decisions and, of course, worthy victories that brought glory to the Russian land - all these are the merits of Alexander Suvorov. During the war with Napoleon, under the leadership of the great commander, the best French troops were defeated and the famous crossing of the Alps was made.

Mikhail Lomonosov

The brightest scientist in Russia, the founder of the university in Moscow, which bears his name. His participation is of undeniable importance in many areas of science. Great achievements in molecular chemistry, physics, astronomy and other fields of knowledge. In addition, Lomonosov is the author of works on philology, history and grammar.

There are indeed many worthy personalities for the title of the greatest representative of Russia. Numerous studies and opinion polls are carried out annually to determine the winner. Every Russian person has his own opinion on this matter.
