Who Will Be Responsible For The Tragedy In The Syrian City Of Hula

Who Will Be Responsible For The Tragedy In The Syrian City Of Hula
Who Will Be Responsible For The Tragedy In The Syrian City Of Hula

Unfortunately, the Hula massacre is far from the first tragedy to occur in Syria. The last months have been very restless for the Assad regime - provocations and attacks constantly follow from the opposition and militants. And far from everything is so clear and transparent in the question of who is behind the shooting of civilians in Hula and, most importantly, who will be responsible for it. Each side has its own version.

Who will be responsible for the tragedy in the Syrian city of Hula
Who will be responsible for the tragedy in the Syrian city of Hula

Calls for an immediate end to violence and massacre, condemnation of the death of civilians, outrage at inhuman cruelty and atrocities, as well as promises of inevitable international responsibility, exploded the world community in the person of the United States, Israel, the largest European countries and the Gulf countries. If you do not specify the date of such an emotional reaction, then you can get lost in conjectures to which state the angry accusations of genocide of your own people are addressed. Over the past 20 years, this wave of compassion for the "oppressed and deprived of democracy" peoples has swept over some of the world's leading powers with enviable regularity.

Today the "happiness of being liberated" has fallen to the Syrians. The tragedy that unfolded on May 26, 2012 in the small Syrian town of Hula, became the culmination of a geopolitical performance tentatively titled "Overthrowing the dictatorial regime of Syria", the outset of which was back in January 2011. "The Syrian Monitoring Center for Human Rights Observance", located for some reason in London (from there, apparently, it is better to see what this center should see) already on May 27, the morning after the tragic events, notified the world about the inhuman shelling of the civilian population of Hula by the Syrian government army, as a result of which more than 100 people died, half of whom children.

The lightning speed of the conclusions suggests that they were formulated long before the events themselves. Then there is an immediate chain reaction from numerous statements by US officials and their NATO allies with accusations of the Syrian authorities and calls for Assad to leave the presidency and hand over the state into the hands of democratic forces. And again, the cart was well ahead of the horse. None of the "champions of democracy" need an investigation of what happened, a search for the culprit and similar procedures to establish the truth. And it doesn't matter at all that even preliminary conclusions from what happened do not fit with the version of the death of people as a result of shelling. Since most of the dead were stabbed or shot at close range, which is more like a massacre or execution. But these statements are spelled out in the same script of the play, which has already been tested many times on the stage of Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Libya, Egypt and others like them.

It is not difficult to understand who and where writes these scripts, which are not distinguished by any special imagination. It is enough to trace the development of NATO military bases in the territories where yesterday it was planned to "complete and final victory" of democracy. Who will pay for the blood spilled in Hula? The answer to the question of who will pay the bills is obvious. Formally, the current president of Syria and his entourage are before an international court. The true culprits will remain behind the scenes. But in fact, the Syrian people will pay for these events for a long time and dearly. There is no opposition in this country capable of quickly establishing a democratic state. The future of Syria is long military conflicts, intervention by NATO forces, and then the scriptwriters have another concern: where will the next show of the play be.

The denouement of the tragedy may be unexpected and not spelled out in any scenario. When setting fire to someone else's house in order to warm your hands, you must take into account the bleak prospect of being burned in this fire together with the owners yourself and burning your innocent neighbors.