How To Keep Your Native Language

How To Keep Your Native Language
How To Keep Your Native Language

Russia is a multinational country. In addition to Russians, Chuvash, Tatars, Bashkirs, etc. live in it. The task of representatives of each nationality is to preserve their native language.

Save your native language
Save your native language

Traditions and customs of peoples

The native language lives in the culture of every nation. Traditions, customs, literature, art and history of a particular nation are passed down from generation to generation from father to son through language. One of the most important moments in the activities for its preservation is the study of the history and culture of their people, reading native literature in the original, visiting national museums, theaters, libraries, etc. National performances, ballet and other stage performances are quite interesting and distinctive. However, if the purpose of visiting them is to instill a love of native speech, then it is better not to use headphones with translation.

From generation to generation

An equally important point in preserving the native language is the transfer of the acquired knowledge and valuable experience to the younger generation. The very first teachers in a child's life are his parents. It is the speech that is constantly heard in the family circle that is best remembered by the child. Years later, even after living in a foreign country for a long time and returning, this language will be the easiest to remember. Therefore, in national families it is very important to speak their native language at home. This, by the way, is strongly demanded by some grandparents when their grandchildren come to them on vacation in the village. Adults are very outraged by the fact that the younger generation does not know their native language well.

Mother tongue at school

A number of regional schools have long introduced lessons aimed at learning the national language. Hours, of course, are relatively few, but if the teacher is a professional in his field and is fluent in both Russian and the native language for the overwhelming majority of residents of a certain region, then this will give its result. It is important to present the material in an interesting way. For example, for younger schoolchildren, during the lessons of their native language, the teacher reads out small but interesting fairy tales in their native language, and conducts a joint study of the national costume. Very often, in such lessons, the verses of famous national poets are memorized in their native language. Also, schoolchildren, on the instructions of the teacher and under his careful guidance, can occasionally cook simple national dishes.

In a foreign land

People are constantly moving from one territory to another. Abroad, in order to preserve the native language and communication of compatriots, national communities are created. They organize various events: scientific forums, concerts with performances by national artists, etc. This allows you to preserve your native language, pass it on to your children and just not feel too lonely in a foreign country.
