How To Keep Your Bags Safe From Pickpockets

How To Keep Your Bags Safe From Pickpockets
How To Keep Your Bags Safe From Pickpockets

A real pickpocket in a crowd is not so easy to identify. Therefore, when you are in crowded places, just remember the following rules.

How to keep your bags safe from pickpockets
How to keep your bags safe from pickpockets

According to statistics, about 90% of all pickpockets are men from 30 to 49 years old. However, you should not rely on these statistics completely, as A woman can also be a pickpocket.

The first and perhaps most important rule is to be vigilant. If strangers show unexpected attention to you, do not forget to be polite, but, as they say, keep your distance. Don't let your clothes touch, grab your arms, grab your shoulders.

It is best to keep your wallet in your inner pocket. But from the outside it should not be clear that the wallet is stored there, that is, the wallet should not protrude. The pocket must be closed; it must be difficult to open it from the outside.

If you have to move around with a large amount of money, credit cards, passport, identity card, it is better to separate everything and put it in different wallets and cosmetic bags. Remember that the pickpocket needs money, and he will just throw everything else away.

If your wallet is in your bag and you are riding on a crowded bus, be sure to check to see if it is buttoned up. Hold the bag in front of you with your hand behind. The main thing is not to throw it behind your back.

Don't leave money, phones, or bank cards in the back pockets of your trousers or jeans. It's too easy prey for pickpockets.