Alexey Salnikov is one of the most talented contemporary Ural writers. The reader is more familiar with his poetic works. Once the poet decided to try his hand at prose and achieved considerable success. Salnikov has many creative plans. He hopes that in the near future he will be able to please his fans with new stories that force them to reconsider traditional views on all the diversity of life.

From the biography of the writer
A. B. Salnikov appeared in Tartu on August 7, 1978. In 1984, the future writer moved to the Ural Mountains. Initially, the family lived in the village. Gornouralsky, in the Sverdlovsk region, then - in Nizhny Tagil. In the first years of the new millennium, Salnikov became a resident of Yekaterinburg.
Salnikov cannot boast of a fundamental education. Behind the shoulders of Alexei Borisovich - two courses of the Academy of Agriculture. For some time Salnikov studied at the Ural University, choosing the faculty of literary creativity. His mentor was E. Turenko, one of those who organized literary life in the Urals.
For Salnikov, the Urals are not just a physical place on the map of Russia. For him, the Urals are his friends, specific people who have had a significant impact on the formation of his personality. Alexey notes that life in the Urals begins to boil, which was not the case before. At the same time, many borders between regions and even countries are being erased. The creativity of the Ural authors becomes available to millions of readers around the world.
Literary work of Alexei Salnikov
Salnikov made his debut as a poet. His works were published by Literaturnaya Gazeta, Ural and Vozdukh, Uralskaya Nov ', and a solid literary almanac Babylon. Poetic experience influenced the formation of the future prose writer Alexei Salnikov. However, Aleksey considers versification a more intimate process when compared with the creation of prose works. In the poems, the unconscious aspirations of the author are traced with greater force, about which Freudians are well aware.
The novel "The Petrovs in the Flu and Around It" brought Alexei Borisovich fame in the country. The work received an award from the jury of the literary prize "NOS" (2017). Talking about the work on the sensational novel, Alexei Borisovich admits that the book was largely written according to poetic laws, although the narrative concerns completely earthly things.
Critics point out that Salnikov has his own way of communicating with the reading public. The writer immediately knocks the ground out from under the feet of the reader, shatters his ideas about reality. In his narratives one cannot find a single accidental or unnecessary detail, the whole composition is subordinated to a single goal. The author is characterized by a sense of completeness of the text, which is rare in the literary environment. As the author himself admitted in an interview, one fine day, when working on a new work, he clearly realizes that there is no point in continuing the text. And, surprisingly, the reader has a similar feeling.
The literary works of the Ural writer have earned recognition from readers, critics and professional writers. Salnikov reached the final of the very prestigious Big Book Prize and won another prize: National Bestseller 2018.