TOP 5 Books For A Beach Holiday

TOP 5 Books For A Beach Holiday
TOP 5 Books For A Beach Holiday

Summer is the perfect time to relax, and many contemporaries prefer to spend it on the beaches. Swimming in the sea, river or lake, tasting delicacies in the coastal cafes, doing water sports - all this is very interesting and enjoyable. But sometimes you want something quieter. Just lie on a sun lounger in the shade of a large umbrella, admire the waves and read a good book that guarantees vivid emotions. But what should you choose? The classic novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky may seem too onerous for a fun day by the sea. It makes sense to pay attention to the books that came out from the pen of contemporaries and beckon to long journeys.

TOP 5 books for beach holidays
TOP 5 books for beach holidays

5th place

On the fifth line is the work of Susan da Silva "Amelia and the Pharaoh's Scepter". Going to the museum, you do not expect that incredible adventures will begin with this banal action. Two friends, wandering around the Pushkin Museum, witnessed an unprecedented theft. Literally, a strange artifact from Ancient Egypt disappeared from under their noses, and the girls did not even notice anything. The father of one of them, the director of the institution, must find the loss. It was at this time that Amelia receives a mysterious note, the author of which invites her to a hot country, where she can find out the truth. At her own peril and risk, the beauty goes straight into the unknown, where she will have to deal not only with the investigation of a dangerous secret, but also with love, experience incredible revelations and great betrayal.

4th place

On the fourth position is the book by Nina Leto (Romanova) from the series "Tale in White Coats", which is called "Parachutes and Parachutists". It will suit lovers of outdoor activities and extreme sports. The writer proposes to go to Canada, where her heroine, the Russian emigrant Sasha Luzhina, lives, and from there take a trip to the USA, visit Miami, where a merry wedding of a close friend will take place, take a couple of parachute jumps, experience violent passions in the arms of a hot instructor and meet your love … And at the same time, reflect on philosophical topics such as the essence of life and death, experience the power of friendship and love, understand the psychology of a contemporary and think about the risk and its consequences.

3rd place

This place of honor is occupied by Katerina Kalyuzhna's novel "Secrets of the Dark Citadel", which is a continuation of the story "Demons of Darkness". The world of magicians and their assistants, immortal warriors, is dangerous and unpredictable. The main character, who decided to become a part of it for the sake of revenge for the deceased lover, managed to taste all his charms and dangers. Recently, her fate has once again changed dramatically. The one whom she least expected to ever see returned to her, and the person with whom she spent several years was irretrievably lost. But there is no time to think about love and other personal troubles. The dark magician, who did not know a single defeat, declared war on the sorceress, whom the girl and her friends serve. There is a battle ahead and it is impossible to withstand it. In the meantime, preparations are underway for the inevitable, you will have to make a lot of travel, make nightly and rather bloody visits to the gloomy castles of sunny Spain, learn dangerous secrets of the past and get unexpected surprises in the present that can change the alignment of this confrontation.

2nd place

Here is the tetralogy of Leo Altmark "Cop - everywhere cop", which invites you to visit sunny Israel. A former Soviet policeman, and now an Israeli policeman, investigates unusual cases related to the disappearances of people in the past and the insidious plans of crime bosses, based on the opportunity to meet dead geniuses in the afterlife, find out their secrets and put them into practice, earning fabulous money on someone else's blood …In addition to the corners of the hot southern country, readers will have the opportunity to visit Russia and Ukraine, not only in the present, but also in the distant past, to taste the atmosphere of eras and the flavor of different cities.

1st place

The leader of my book hit parade for the beach is Sigita Ulskaya's novel "Warm Stones", which is a conceptual continuation of the book "Golden Acorns". The idyllic foreign landscapes that surrounded the fortune teller named Tess give way to panoramas of the bustling metropolises of America, and then to the ancient streets of European cities that remember the greatest events of history. In the center of the plot is one of Tess's students, who follows her beloved person to the other end of the world and tries to find not only personal happiness, first understanding its essence, but also her destiny in the world of magic. She again goes to study, but now to a healer, who knows how to connect the thoughts and actions of people with their well-being and, correcting mental health, influence the physical. Difficult decisions, many losses, huge doubts and imminent fears lie ahead. But the main thing is that at the end of a long journey there is a chance to find a place where the "blue bird" lurked in anticipation.

Reading on the beach is a pleasure that makes your vacation more colorful and sophisticated. Which story to choose? Look at the situation! Most importantly, do not miss the chance to get even more emotions from the long-awaited vacation, so that not a single second of this wonderful summer is wasted.
