Why Is Gasoline Cheaper In America Than In Russia?

Why Is Gasoline Cheaper In America Than In Russia?
Why Is Gasoline Cheaper In America Than In Russia?

When filling up their personal car every day, many ask a very predictable and correct question: why in many countries that do not have such serious oil reserves as Russia, for example, the United States, fuel is much cheaper.

Why is gasoline cheaper in America than in Russia?
Why is gasoline cheaper in America than in Russia?

Indeed, it is strange, because the Americans, not having their own serious deposits, annually buy a huge amount of gasoline, while Russia receives it on its own territory, while the cost of fuel varies significantly. And this does not mean at all that gasoline is cheap in Russia.

America is among the top ten countries that today have the lowest prices for fuels and lubricants.

The secret of competition

The fact is that American oil companies traditionally cannot be owned by representatives of government agencies, a huge number of small entrepreneurs constantly enter into serious competition for the consumer, minimizing gasoline prices, in contrast to the oligopoly that dominates in Russia. The absence of a shortage of capacities used in oil refining, oil storage facilities and serious economic and environmental barriers to work in this area allow American entrepreneurs to work freely without bowing their heads to the system of monopolies.


Touching upon taxation issues, it should be noted that, for example, in Russia the funds received from the distillation and sale of oil are one of the leading components of the domestic budget, unlike America, where such obstacles simply do not exist. Simple calculations can clearly show that taxes included in the cost of domestic gasoline are almost 2.5 times higher than the same component of American fuel, while in Germany, various types of taxes consume almost half of the cost of one liter.

Standard of living

According to the rating, the most expensive gasoline is currently sold in Turkey, its cost is just over two dollars, while the cheapest fuel is traded in Venezuela.

It is also necessary to touch upon the standard of living of ordinary Americans, which, undoubtedly, according to the most modest estimates, is several times higher than domestic ones, making gasoline cheap relative to the level of "local" wages. So it turns out that the inhabitants of America belong to that incredibly unique category, which, unlike many European countries, enjoys the special privilege of buying one of the cheapest gasoline in the world. It is interesting that it is quite easy to achieve a reduction in gasoline prices, for example, in Russia, you just need to reduce the tax burden, however, as a result of such a gesture of goodwill, the budget of an entire country may suffer.