Alexandra Rachel: Biography And History Of Transformation

Alexandra Rachel: Biography And History Of Transformation
Alexandra Rachel: Biography And History Of Transformation

Every educated person knows that beauty should save the world. How this can happen is not very clear. But Alexandra Rachel has her own idea of the procedure. She owns a plastic surgery clinic.

Alexandra Rachelle
Alexandra Rachelle

Sad childhood

Today, few people remember the popular wisdom that it is preferable to be born happy than beautiful. However, the vast majority of women are very biased about their appearance. Nobody wants to remain ugly who cannot attract hundreds or even a dozen fans on Instagram. Today there is a solution - you need to contact a plastic surgeon. Alexandra Rachel strongly recommends that women not be locked in their own problems and complexes. In her speeches and articles, she frankly shares her own experience.

The future beauty and business woman was born on November 5, 1966 in an intelligent family. Parents at that time lived in Moscow. My father served as a professor at one of the universities. Mother worked as a lawyer. The child grew up in love and prosperity. However, this was not enough for simple female happiness. The reason for this situation was the girl's external data. Having gone through puberty, Alexandra turned into a uniform ugly woman. Overweight. Full cheeks and narrow spiky eyes made her look like an offended mouse. Young people did not pay attention to her at all.

Way to success

When a girl's age is approaching twenty, she definitely needs to realize her feminine principle. However, Alexandra did not even try to arrange her personal life. And during this period she was prompted a simple but risky way out - to have plastic surgery. At that time, such operations were rarely performed in their home country, and the cost of the procedure was very high. The girl overcame all obstacles and "lay under the scalpel." The operation was unsuccessful. For Alexandra, this situation was presented as a bad dream or a horror movie. But having gathered her will into a fist, she went abroad and found a qualified specialist there.

By the age of twenty-five, Rachelle had acquired those external features that she considered ideal for herself. From that time on, she gained confidence in her own strengths and abilities. Alexandra woke up a talent for organizing business. In 2006, a plastic surgery clinic was opened in Moscow under the Alexandra Rachelle & Partners brand. Within the walls of this medical institution, a person will be eliminated with appearance defects without harm to the psyche and physical health. Alexandra has no medical education. She only selects qualified specialists and administers the process of performing procedures.


Personal life scenario

Alexandra Rachel lives at home. At the same time, she has a house in Monaco on the Cote d'Azur. The attractive woman married several times. She has a daughter, smart and beautiful Sarah, who is engaged in the modeling business. Alexandra is currently legally married. Husband and wife try to spend their free time together. Not to say that love arose between them, but very similar.
