As The Orthodox Celebrate Kirillov's Day

As The Orthodox Celebrate Kirillov's Day
As The Orthodox Celebrate Kirillov's Day

Cyril's Day is celebrated by the Orthodox Church and parishioners on June 9. This holiday is dedicated to the memory of Archbishop Kirill of Alexandria. He lived in the 4th century. The priest was considered a very educated person, distinguished by a good knowledge of Scripture. In 412 he came to the throne of Alexandria. Cyril is known for his struggle with the Nestorian teaching, love and attentiveness to his flock, his theological work.

As the Orthodox celebrate Kirillov's Day
As the Orthodox celebrate Kirillov's Day

Cyril's day is popularly called the day of the watershed between spring and summer. There are a number of sayings that are used when mentioning the name of the holiday. This is "On Kirill, the sun gives all its strength to the earth", and "On Kirill - the end of spring, start summer."

Traditionally, this day is celebrated not only on the Day of Remembrance of the Archbishop of Alexandria, but also the Reverend Cyril Abbot of Belozersky. This is due to the fact that each of them did a lot for the Russian land and parishioners. Both were famous for their theological works and educational works.

The holiday begins traditionally - with a prayer service. The prayer, accompanied by the church bell ringing, lists the merits of two outstanding priests, commemorates them and wishes them the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

Also on this day, special attention is paid to theological work - lectures, spiritual seminars, educational talks in thematic Orthodox centers. One of the conditions for maintaining piety in a person's soul is the abolition of worldly activities and labors on a holiday. The main task of the Orthodox on Kirillov's Day is to engage in their spirituality. For this, the sacraments of communion and confession are performed in the Church. Everything should be directed towards the behests of the archbishop - cleansing the soul from filth, working with Orthodox books, etc.

An equally important part of the holiday is the rejection of various entertainment and entertainment events. You cannot arrange magnificent feasts, if you want to organize a feast on the occasion of a holiday, you need to be very careful about organizing such an event - only a modest table decoration and the simplest food.

Various charity events to be held on this day are encouraged. Helping poor, disadvantaged people, working with children from disadvantaged families, etc. - all these are things worth doing on Kirillov's Day. Moreover, these traditions go back to the IV-V centuries A. D.