What Religious Holiday Is Celebrated On July 26

What Religious Holiday Is Celebrated On July 26
What Religious Holiday Is Celebrated On July 26

At the end of July, namely on the 26th, Orthodox believers celebrate the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel. In general, this day is celebrated by the Orthodox Church twice a year - on April 8 (immediately after the Annunciation) and July 26.

Archangel Gabriel is one of the highest angels, the messenger of the Lord
Archangel Gabriel is one of the highest angels, the messenger of the Lord

Who is Archangel Gabriel?

According to the Bible, Archangel Gabriel is the keeper of the Chosen People. This is one of the highest angels, who is the bearer of the good news in the Old and New Testaments. In general, the name Gabriel means "the fortress of God", "the stronghold of God." It was the Archangel Gabriel that the Lord chose as an evangelist for the Virgin Mary and all people about the Incarnation of the Son of God. Orthodox believers, on the day after the great feast of the Annunciation (July 8), glorify the Most Pure Virgin, thank the Almighty, and also honor His messenger - the Archangel Gabriel.

Most often, the Archangel Gabriel is portrayed as the messenger of God, i.e. next to the person to whom this or that good news was addressed. Gabriel himself is depicted as a majestic person in rich robes (sometimes with a crown).

The mission of the Archangel Gabriel is to save the human race, as well as to return to the Almighty those worldly people who have fallen away from the Lord. In addition, the Archangel Gabriel is the messenger of the Lord to inform people about the good news. According to Orthodox iconography, the holy Archangel Gabriel is depicted as the Angel of the Evangelist. In his hands he holds an olive branch, which is a symbol of the reconciliation of God and creation. Usually this image is placed in the church above the Royal Doors.

How is the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel celebrated?

On April 8 and July 26, it is customary to remember and honor all the appearances of the Archangel Gabriel. It is believed that it was He who inspired Moses during the writing of Genesis; He announced to the prophet Daniel about the fate of the Jewish people; He brought the good news to the righteous Anna about the birth of the Virgin Mary from her, it was Gabriel who announced to the priest Zechariah about the birth of the Forerunner of the Lord; He appeared to Saint Joseph the Betrothed, and was also relentlessly close to the Mother of God during Her earthly life. The Orthodox Church these days raises fervent prayers to this evangelist, intercessor and benefactor of the human race.

The Orthodox Church singles out and most honors only two higher angels - the Archangel Gabriel and the Archangel Michael. It was these two angels who took a special part in the fate of the human race.

As mentioned above, the feast of the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel is celebrated by the Orthodox Church both on April 8 and July 26. It is believed that the reason for the establishment of the second day of the celebration was the well-known date of the consecration in the 17th century in Constantinople of the temple, which was erected in the name of the holy Archangel.
