Why Did The Right Appear

Why Did The Right Appear
Why Did The Right Appear

There is no universal definition of law in science, but the general meaning of this term is clear to everyone. In a generalized form, the law can be presented as a certain complex of certain norms that regulate social relations. Consequently, the reasons for the emergence of law must be sought in the very structure of society.

Why did the right appear
Why did the right appear

The process of the emergence and formation of law took place in close connection with the process of the emergence and formation of society itself. The formation of human thinking, a person's awareness of his own individuality and uniqueness, the accumulation of knowledge about the external and internal world - all this led to a significant complication of the structure of relations between people. And in order to regulate these relations, a new social mechanism was required, which has no analogues in the animal world. This mechanism became law. It is believed that the predecessor of law was morality. In the modern view, morality is defined as a set of norms and rules adopted in society and regulating human actions. People's awareness of the concepts of good, evil, conscience, honor, justice, duty, mercy and others has noticeably increased the vitality of the entire society. It was during this period of history that we can say that human society has ceased to be a flock. An important step was the realization of the main right of every person - the right to life, without which all other rights lose all meaning. But morality covered only the moral component of public life, being only one of the mechanisms of public control, but not management. Effective management required norms established not by society itself, but by their leaders. And the first sources for such norms were customs. A custom is understood as an action rooted in society through repeated repetition. The first historically recorded form of custom was taboo. A taboo was a prohibition imposed by a priest and binding on any member of society. The first generally recognized taboo is considered to be the prohibition of incest, which significantly improved the human gene pool. The leaders and priests had the power, and therefore the ability to establish customs. The rule, first expressed in custom, then became the law. The further complication of the social structure led to the complication of the legal apparatus of society. New public and legal institutions began to appear and develop, the evolution of which continues to this day. Having arisen as a means of regulating social and human relations, law has become an integral part of the existence of society.