Why Stalin Created Israel

Why Stalin Created Israel
Why Stalin Created Israel

The role of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin in the creation of the state of Israel, proclaimed in 1948, was undoubtedly one of the most important. According to many historians, journalists and publicists, it was Stalin who, when creating the Israeli state in 1947, provided him with serious support in the UN.

Why Stalin created Israel
Why Stalin created Israel

After the end of the Second World War, Jewish refugees, who were subjected to severe persecution in many European countries during Nazi Germany, did not want to return to where their loved ones were killed, robbed and burned in concentration camps. The entire liberal world community sincerely sympathized and sympathized with them and believed that the restoration of the Jewish state in Palestine should become a natural process.

However, the question of the further fate of the Jews of Arabs and Palestine was decided by British and American politicians, public opinion did not influence their decisions in any way. The absolute majority of Western politicians opposed the appearance on the world map of an independent Jewish state. Therefore, almost all researchers of this issue agree that it was Stalin and Soviet diplomacy who played a decisive role in the creation of Israel.

According to the Bible, the Land of Israel was bequeathed to the Jews by God in order to become the Promised Land - all the sacred places of the Jewish people are located here.

The goals of Stalin and the USSR

Close cooperation between Zionist politicians led by Ben-Gurion and the Soviet leadership began in the pre-war years, the first meeting took place in 1940 on the territory of the Soviet embassy in London. After the war, the dialogue continued. The Middle East, under the threat of the outbreak of a new world war, has become a strategically important region. Realizing that it would be impossible to get support from the Arabs, Soviet political leaders in general and Stalin in particular saw the prospect of increasing influence in the region only through the Jews.

In fact, the fate of Israel interested Stalin, who was guided in foreign policy issues by personal ambitions to expand the international influence of the USSR insofar as. The support of Jewish leaders, first of all, pursued the goal of weakening the influence of Great Britain and hindering the expansion of US influence in the Middle East. The Soviet leadership, by its actions, tried to create conditions under which the Arab countries would become dependent on the USSR. In addition, one of the most important tasks facing Stalin was to ensure the security of the southern borders of the Soviet Union.

Actions taken

In order to "squeeze" Great Britain out of Palestine, which has a mandate to control part of the Middle East, the Soviet leadership made all possible moves. In the second half of the 1940s, Palestinian Jews actually waged a war against England, in which they received material and moral support from the USSR. When the question of accommodating a huge number of Jewish refugees in European countries arose, the Soviet Union made a proposal to direct the flows of immigrants to Palestine, which did not suit Great Britain in any way.

Under these conditions, Palestine became a serious problem for London, which led to the decision of the British government to transfer the issue of it to the UN. This was the first victory of the Soviet and Zionist leadership on the way to the creation of a Jewish state. The next step was the formation by Soviet diplomats of the opinion of the international community about the urgent need to create Israel. The USSR foreign policy department coped with this task successfully.

After Great Britain submitted the Palestinian question to the UN General Assembly, London stepped aside, further struggle for the fate of these territories unfolded between the USSR and the United States. As a result of the sessions held, the political leadership of the United States was unable to outplay the Soviet diplomats and win over most of the states participating in the sessions to their side. In addition, in the decisive vote, 5 countries of the Soviet bloc secured the required number of votes, which as a result led to the issuance of a UN mandate to create the state of Israel. On May 14, 1948, a day before the end of the British Mandate for Palestine, David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the creation of an independent Jewish state on the territory allocated according to the UN plan.

The day after the proclamation of the creation of an independent Jewish state, the League of Arab States declared war on Israel, which is called the "War of Independence" in Israel.

The role of the Soviet Union and Stalin personally in securing the required number of votes was decisive. The Arab countries were extremely outraged by the position of the USSR and categorically did not accept the UN decision. Stalin was no longer interested in the Arab reaction, now his goal was to do everything possible for the earliest possible annexation of the future independent Jewish state to the number of its allies.