Sabine Spielrein is a psychoanalyst and student of Jung. She was the author of the world famous work "Destruction as the cause of formation". Spielman's defended doctoral dissertation became the basis for all further research on destructive attraction.

Mir Sabina Nikolaevna Shpilman-Sheftel knows as a domestic psychoanalyst and a student of the famous Carl Jung. She took part in several scientific societies, is the developer of the theory of destructive attraction.
Childhood time
Sabina (Sheive) Shpilman was born on October 25 (November 7) 885 in Rostov-on-Don. The girl became the eldest of five children. From 1890 to 1894, the family lived in Warsaw, the birthplace of their parents. In a fairly wealthy family of an entomologist father, who succeeded in trade, and a dentist mother, they did not need anything.
The daughter attended a prestigious kindergarten. Nikolai Arkadievich was engaged in manufacturing. Mom had a tenement house. The family, respecting traditions, preferred a secular lifestyle. Brothers Jacob and Emil later became famous mathematician, biologist and psychologist-linguist.
Senior Yang, mathematician, engineer, Ph. D., was a specialist in theoretical electronics and mechanics. Isaac became the author of Russian psychotechnics. Emil Spielrein was Dean of the Faculty of Biology at Rostov University.

Sabina loved her younger sister Emilia the most. The girl died of an illness at the age of six. The blow was too strong for the older child. Spielrein worried, suffered that she could not help her sister. Vinyl all over herself.
The result of such torment was a nervous breakdown and deep depression. Despite the tragedy, the girl graduated from high school with a gold medal. She decided to connect her life with medicine, but she had to leave her studies in Zurich for health reasons. Sabina was sent to a sanatorium, then to a private clinic.
Choice of direction
There the fateful meeting with Carl Jung took place. She became a landmark page in the biography of the future psychoanalyst. Choosing Destination Jung was in charge of treating the patient according to the method developed by Freud. The therapy took almost a year. After being discharged, the girl resumed her studies in April 1905.
During her stay at the clinic, Spielmann participated in many experiments. There she became acquainted with Jung's dissertation on the stratification of the unconscious and the conscious. It is not surprising that Sabina Nikolaevna began to study pedology and psychoanalysis.
In the fall of 1905, Spielrein realized that she liked the attending physician. Mother demanded that Freud replace him, but everything remained unchanged. Jung also sympathized with the girl. The romance began in the toga. Relationships from exclusively personal have grown into professional ones.

In 1909, the final exams were passed in the spring. The former student became an intern at the Burghelzli clinic. During this period, she worked on her doctoral dissertation. Jung became her scientific advisor. In 1911 she successfully defended her. The work was published in a journal edited by a mentor. The topic of the loss of one's own "ego" has become the cause of great resonance in the scientific community of the world.
For many years Spielrein used this direction as a key one in her subsequent studies. From 1911 to 1912 Sabina lived in Austria. She met Freud, became a member of the Vienna Society of Psychoanalysts. She visited Russia with lectures. Then there was an acquaintance with her future husband Pavel Naumovich Sheftel.
Personal life and vocation
In 1912, Sabina married Sheffrel. At the end of 1913, the firstborn, daughter Renata, appeared in the family. In 1926, Spielrein gave her husband a second daughter, Eva.
Spielrein returned to Europe in 1913. She published works, spoke, worked in medical institutions, studied psychoanalysis with Jung and Freud. Sabina Nikolaevna was Jean Piaget's psychoanalyst.
In 1923 he returned to Russia. Spielrein was admitted to the domestic psychoanalytic society. Professional activity occupied all her time. A psychotherapeutic orphanage was created, which Sabina Nikolaevna managed, many lectures were given. Due to many circumstances, Spielrein did not create her own school. Her followers were gone.

The outstanding figure headed the department of child psychology at the capital's institute, read a special course "Psychoanalysis of subconscious thinking", conducted seminars on child psychoanalysis. In 1925, Spielrein spoke at the congress of psychoanalysts for the last time. She chose the analytical continuation of the work in the chosen direction, the publication of articles.
One of the world's leading psychoanalytic journals "Imago" published the work of a scientist-psychoanalyst about children's drawings, drawn with eyes closed and open. It became the final publication abroad.
Last years
After the ban on psychoanalysis in 1936, Sabina Nikolaevna switched to theoretical developments. In 1937 Pavel Naumovich died suddenly. With the arrival of 1941, Sabina Nikolaevna, who lived in Rostov, refused to evacuate. She died in August 1942. In the late seventies, the Spielrein archive was discovered.
The articles and scientific materials contained in it produced the effect of an exploding bomb in the scientific world community. It turned out that many of Jung's ideas appeared and were realized thanks to Sabina Nikolaevna.
Spielrein was the first in Europe to defend her doctoral dissertation in psychology. She became one of the pioneers of psychoanalysis. However, due to half a century of oblivion, much of her scientific work turned out to be unknown. The opening of the archive gave her work a new life.

Based on the materials found, several films were shot, books were created. A memorial museum named after an outstanding researcher and scientist was opened in Rostov-on-Don at the end of 2015.