How To Learn To Say No

How To Learn To Say No
How To Learn To Say No

As a rule, in work activities, a situation may arise when, while helping your colleagues, one day you realize that you are doing someone else's work, and everyone is already used to it.

How to learn to say no
How to learn to say no

As a rule, in work activities, a situation may arise when, while helping your colleagues, one day you realize that you are doing someone else's work, and everyone is already used to it.

From this moment on, your work turns into a real nightmare. I start to constantly distract you, ask questions, and there is no free time to carry out your duties. How do you learn to say no?

First you need to figure out why you need it:

  • you will start to have time to do your job,
  • colleagues will solve their work issues without your help, which, ultimately, will lead to their professional growth and more effective work of the whole team,
  • colleagues will not constantly distract you,
  • the most important thing: the workload will be correctly distributed among all employees, and you will stop working for days.

Then you should define for yourself the situations in which you need to say no:

  • - the list of requests from your colleagues seriously affects your productivity,
  • in the case when colleagues at work can solve problems themselves, you just need to make an effort,
  • the request will take a lot of time and effort, while your further work and professional experience will not be useful either,
  • in the event that the project is not completely interesting to you.

Another important point - should be denied to everyone who wants his work done by someone else. And learning to say no in this situation is pretty easy. Start the conversation with the word "no", then apologize, and list the reasons why you cannot help:

  • complain about a busy work schedule, list the work you need to do for the whole day so that your colleagues do not have a doubt that they are very busy,
  • explain that you do not understand this issue, and that there is no free time to understand it, and this is not your responsibility,
  • you can share an article with a colleague on the Internet, from which he can learn everything he needs.

It is necessary to learn to understand when to help, and when it is better to politely refuse. If a new and inexperienced employee contacted you, you can help him. If solving the problem will be useful for you in terms of acquiring new knowledge, professional growth, say yes.

An important step in learning the art is to say no - don't be afraid that you will be judged. And by learning to firmly refuse help, you can make other people respect your work and time.
