What Is A Conservative Lifestyle

What Is A Conservative Lifestyle
What Is A Conservative Lifestyle

The word "conservative" comes from the Latin conserve, which means "to preserve, to preserve". The conservative way of life is a way of existence and a way of life in which the main forces of society are aimed at supporting existing values.

What is a conservative lifestyle
What is a conservative lifestyle

What arguments does conservatism use?

The desire to preserve existing forms of social life has been known since the French Revolution. Then the bearers of the conservative order were church and secular feudal lords, for whom the new liberal movements became an unheard-of audacity, an attempt on the legacy of centuries-old history.

The main argument in favor of a conservative way of life is the cult of traditions, patriotism, national culture and morality. In a conservative society, the interests of the state prevail over the interests of the individual; the authority of such public institutions as the church, school, family and the state as a whole is very strong. Social changes, if they do occur, then very carefully, gradually, without causing sharp and ambiguous social reactions.

Thus, the conservative structure presupposes the existence of strong families, a strong hierarchical state and continuity in the development of individuals and society. With a conservative lifestyle, on the one hand, each person feels protected, on the other hand, he realizes his social duty.

Positive and negative aspects of the conservative lifestyle

The biggest plus of conservatism is the confidence it gives people. Indeed, if such a way of life has been observed for many centuries in a row, it means that this time it will not disappoint. In a conservative society, a person knows exactly his place and lives in accordance with the ideas about this place and the responsibilities that it implies. During the existence of the system, an effective system of transferring values has been formed in the form of training and education, therefore, from an early age, a social structure seems to be simple and transparent to a person. The preservation of ancient traditions gives particular importance to religion, and religion gives a person confidence in the correctness (or incorrectness) of life.

However, not everything is so beautiful and good, there are also enough negative aspects in the conservative way. First of all, it is a simplification of reality, reducing it to the usual framework, which does not always correspond to reality. Therefore, when really difficult questions arise, a conservative society will either pretend that the problem does not exist, or will make it worse for itself, relying on “old-fashioned” methods that no longer work. The downside is the inhibition of progress - any scientific research that refutes or calls into question the established rules are taken with hostility. As a result, a conservative structure alongside more liberal neighbors becomes a colossus with feet of clay.