What Is Collegiality

What Is Collegiality
What Is Collegiality

Sobornost is a very broad concept. It covers all aspects of the life of a particular society, all moral, moral and ethical norms within it. Often opposed to individualism, egoism.

What is collegiality
What is collegiality

Many people interpret this concept ambiguously, not entirely right. According to the philosophical dictionary, conciliarity is the unity of all members of the Church to jointly find the path to salvation. This unity is based on love for Christ and for his divine righteousness, which has become available to every member of the Church. The authorship of the creation of the term is attributed to the Russian philosopher A. S. Khomyakov. The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary treats collegiality as one of the hallmarks of the Christian church, which fixes its self-perception as universal and universal.

Within the framework of conciliarity, a person does not think of personal happiness outside the community, he can realize himself only in the case of selfless labor for the common good. Just like the Slavophiles in the 19th century, modern Russian scientists-philosophers oppose the Slavic conciliarity to Western democracy. If in a democratic society the meaning of life becomes the recognition of the power of the majority to the detriment of the minority, then in the conciliar this meaning becomes the recognition of each other's moral values, the acceptance of all members of the council as they are, improving themselves for the sake of a higher goal. And the highest goal for a catholic person is the creation of a socially just humanistic society. The difference between a conciliar society and a democratic one is in the mental community of individuals who are personally free. It does not at all reject the institution of statehood.

They oppose catholicity to Catholicism, namely, its authoritarianism; it has nothing in common with Protestant individualism, from which, in fact, modern democracy has grown.

Summing up, let's say that conciliarity is an internal completeness, an integral combination of the unity and freedom of people who are united by love for the same values. This is an exclusively Slavic, Orthodox understanding of the world.