What Is Ethnogenesis

What Is Ethnogenesis
What Is Ethnogenesis

Ethnogenesis is a large-scale set of events and factors, as a result of which entire peoples are formed. For any people, this is a complex and confusing process that has been going on for many centuries or millennia, covering all spheres of human activity. This is a contradictory course in the history of a nationality, studying which, one can trace the development of a certain ethnic group from its very appearance to the present day.

What is ethnogenesis
What is ethnogenesis

The term "ethnogenesis" is formed from two Greek roots: "ethnos" - a tribe or people, "genesis" - origin or appearance. Thus, ethnogenesis is a science that describes the processes that result in the emergence of nationalities and ethnic groups of people. But when these groups were formed, ethnogenesis did not end. Established ethnic groups began to change through assimilation with other ethnic groups, as well as through the division and disconnection of new groups from existing groups.

According to the generally accepted view, there are two types of ethnogenesis. The first of them took place when the nationalities were still being formed. This time coincided with the period when human society was in a primitive communal structure. In part, the formation of nationalities continued even when the time came for the early feudal period. About this type of change in ethnic groups, we can say that they seem to develop, acquire characteristic features.

The second type of ethnogenesis is characterized by the fact that ethnic groups at the time of its onset had already been formed, and new peoples appeared on their basis.

Despite such an obvious difference in types, both types of ethnogenesis crossed each other, sometimes existing simultaneously in the same area. This is due to such an aspect as the changes introduced by migrants who are included in the structure of existing ethnic groups. It is clear that the process of the formation of nationalities cannot be called homogeneous and uniform. It takes place in a rather complicated way, which is sometimes difficult to trace. There are several main constituents: genetic, cultural, territorial, linguistic and institutional. When at least one of them changes, we can already say that ethnogenetic changes are taking place.

It is for this reason that it is impossible to study ethnogenesis in a "pure" form. The process of identifying the ways of human development is inseparable from other scientific disciplines such as anthropology, archeology, history, ethnography and others.

Under the influence of processes that are attributed to ethnogenesis, peoples acquire a new look, the features of which relate to different areas of activity: material, everyday, spiritual, psychological, cultural. Characteristic features of the appearance characteristic of certain peoples also develop. However, the most important point here is self-awareness, which is formed in people as members of the ethnic community to which they belong.