Who Predicted The End Of The World In And Why

Who Predicted The End Of The World In And Why
Who Predicted The End Of The World In And Why

2012, according to various predictions of prophets and clairvoyants, is a year of upheavals and changes, a year when the whole habitual way of the world will change. Cities will fall, continents will go under water, many thousands and thousands will perish, everything will collapse, and the miserable remnants of humanity will be deprived of a home and food. 2012 is the year of a terrible catastrophe, which was predicted many centuries ago.

Who predicted the end of the world in 2012 and why
Who predicted the end of the world in 2012 and why

The first prediction for 2012 is considered to be a Mayan prophecy. These people had tremendous knowledge of astronomy and architecture. Their stone calendar has dates up to several tens of millennia BC, and it ends on the winter solstice in 2012. The long count calendar consists of several "Suns" cycles, each of which ended in disaster. The last cycle began on August 11 at 3114 BC. e. and should last 5125 years. Thus, the last day of the last cycle, according to various sources, is December 21 or 23, 2012. The Maya described well the events that ended the previous three Suns: the first civilization died from rain, the second from a hurricane, the third from fire, and the fourth, according to the predictions, should drown in the waters of the flood.

The second prediction for 2012 can be called the prophecy of Michel Nostradamus. The recently found and deciphered quatrains of the famous prophet speak of terrible cataclysms that will shake the entire Earth. In particular, it describes powerful earthquakes around the world, which will occur at the end of 2012. And then the active movement of continental plates will begin.

A little-known prophetess, nun Pelageya, in her letters to children of the near future, says: "I am sorry for you, you live in the last times." She also predicted catastrophic changes in the earth's appearance before the end of time. According to some notable events that, according to the nun, should occur before the immediate beginning of the Apocalypse, one can judge that the End of the World is not far off.

American psychic Edgar Cayce at the beginning of the 20th century saw in his visions how the world would be destroyed. At the beginning of the 21st century, there will be a change of poles, many cities will be wiped off the face of the earth. Storms and hurricanes, floods and droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will become more intense, more violent and merciless. According to his predictions, a new geographical map was compiled, on which many modern coastal cities are missing. Due to the alarmingly frequent natural anomalies over the past few years, it can be assumed that Casey was talking about modernity.

Another no less famous soothsayer, the Bulgarian prophetess Vanga, predicted that very soon mankind would face great upheavals. When asked when what she saw would happen, she replied that "… it will happen when Syria falls." It should be noted that the United States is preparing to invade this country. And according to some forecasts, the conflict may occur in the fall of 2012.

A huge number of ancient prophecies coincide with this date - 2012-21-12. The old ones, which were known many centuries ago, and the new ones, more like inflating the problem of the End of the World and fitting into existing facts. In any case, it will not be long to wait, on December 21, 2012, humanity will know the price of prophecy - whether it is a foresight, a premonition or a trend of fashion.
