The End Of The World: How It Will Be

The End Of The World: How It Will Be
The End Of The World: How It Will Be

People have always been waiting for the end of the world. Seers, soothsayers, magicians, prophets - they all painted gloomy scenarios of the future. But now humanity is on the threshold of the third millennium. How does the future of the world appear to him now?

The end of the world: how it will be
The end of the world: how it will be

Many ends of the world

The Mayan prediction of the end of the world in December 2012, which haunted the imagination of people, is a thing of the past. Nothing happened. Some breathed a sigh of relief and continued to make plans for the future. Nevertheless, according to statistics, hundreds of people have died on the planet from the expectation of the 2012 apocalypse. And this despite the fact that humanity has already "experienced" a hundred such prophecies.

You can also remember the "second Millennium" on January 1, 2000, when the end of the world was tied to the "problem of two zeros", when they confuse 2000 with 1900 and chaos will begin in the schedules of airplanes, trains, and so on. The approach of the planet Nibiru also ended in vain expectations. The launch of the hadron collider was associated with the appearance of a mini black hole, into which the entire Earth will gradually begin to be pulled, and scientists had to fight back in order to continue their research.

This begs the question: why all this? Why do people ask themselves the question of predicting the future? Curiosity is human nature. This is his movement into the future. But what it will be does not depend on him. Therefore, it would be better to listen to what scientists think about this, who have at their disposal both recent scientific achievements and previous generations. Was it in vain that those who dared to destroy the familiar picture of the world were once led to the gallows or burned at the stake?

How will it really be

The end of the world will definitely come sooner or later. Everything has a beginning and everything has an end. If we talk about the end of the existence of mankind, then we need to ask the question - what will this be connected with? With a possible external cosmic influence or with the activities of humanity itself? After all, people transform the surrounding nature far from the better. But what the world around a person should be is up to him. And there is a hope that a person under no circumstances will voluntarily end his existence.

In this case, you need to talk about the very existence of the planet Earth. Over time, in an unimaginable future, the earth's interior will cool down to such an extent that the movement of the earth's crust will stop. Mountain building will stop, and weathering will erase all remaining irregularities from the surface and the Earth's surface will disappear under water (as we know, there is more than it).

Then everything will depend on the luminosity of the Sun. If the luminosity decreases, therefore, the temperature on the planet will drop and the entire surface will be covered with ice. If the luminosity of the Sun rises (and this is what science predicts), the oceans will evaporate, revealing a flat surface. Naturally, in neither case, life will become impossible. At least in the present view of man.