Why Do They Predict The End Of The World In

Why Do They Predict The End Of The World In
Why Do They Predict The End Of The World In

Rumors about the end of the world in 2012 have not heard, perhaps only a hermit who does not have a TV and radio and does not read newspapers. A lot of TV shows were filmed on this topic, magazines and newspapers are full of headlines about the apocalypse, on the Internet the upcoming death of humanity is actively discussed on the forums. You can smile skeptically, or you can try to figure out why 2012 is called the fateful year in the history of the Earth.

Why do they predict the end of the world in 2012
Why do they predict the end of the world in 2012

Mayan prediction

In the 60s of the XX century, scientists found an ancient calendar belonging to the Maya on the territory of South America. The calendar was a table carved into a large piece of stone. Despite the fact that the artifact was badly damaged, scientists were able to decipher the inscriptions on the table. The accuracy of the calendar, created several millennia ago by people who did not even know what a wheel was, was amazing! The Maya accurately calculated the duration of the annual cycle of the earth's rotation. However, they believed that all over the world there is a change of periods, the so-called "Suns". Since the beginning of time, four "Suns", several millennia long, have passed. Each period ended with a terrible catastrophe in which almost all of humanity died. If the Mayan calendar does not lie, now is the era of the fifth "Sun". And it ends on December 12, 2012.

Astrologers' prediction

Astrologers have their own reason to call 2012 the last year in human history. They claim that at the end of the year, several heavenly bodies will gather in a row on the firmament. There will be a "parade of planets" on the last day of the lunar month. Jupiter and the Moon will stand side by side on the same line, Uranus will change the direction of movement, and the Sun will be in the zone of the Milky Way. All these changes in the galaxy will entail many destructive processes on the third planet from the Sun. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods and hurricanes will hit the Earth.

Predictions by American Scientists

At the end of 2011, a wave of solar flares was published in many popular print media. Scientists have hypothesized that at the end of 2012, the Sun will experience a series of colossal flares. This will cause the destruction of all energy systems on the planet. The economies of all countries will collapse. Chaos, hunger and wars will come on Earth. Millions of people will die, and the survivors will only have to fight for food and fight the cold.

No matter how reliable the predictions about the end of the world may seem, we must not forget that humanity is not for the first time in its history preparing for inevitable death. Various clairvoyants and soothsayers predict the Day of the Last Judgment with enviable regularity. And the world is still alive and beautiful.