List Of The Best Dramas Recommended For Watching

List Of The Best Dramas Recommended For Watching
List Of The Best Dramas Recommended For Watching

Drama is considered the most difficult and deepest direction in cinema. Periodically, film critics rank the best films of this genre. Some of them are included in the list of recommended dramas every year.

List of the best dramas recommended for watching
List of the best dramas recommended for watching

The Shawshank Redemption

This film ranks first in almost all ratings. The story of how a brilliant bank employee ended up in a maximum security prison for a crime he did not commit won the hearts of viewers all over the world. This is a picture about the thirst for freedom, resourcefulness of mind, the specifics of the psychology of convicts and the vicissitudes of fate. Frank Darabont tried to film Stephen King's "Rita Hayworth" as accurately as possible, but he succeeded even more. What the famous writer mentioned on a couple of pages, the director poured into a storyline full of tragedy. Unexpected decisions and intertwining of heroes' destinies make the film unforgettable.


This film consistently makes the list of the best dramas, recommended for viewing. Luc Besson's film about a hitman and his meeting with a teenage girl who has lost her family inspires and makes you sympathetic. The play of Jean Reno and little Natalie Portman determined the popularity of the film.

Flying over Cuckoo's Nest

Another adaptation of Ken Kesey's bestseller. The plot has been heavily modified in order to show Jack Nicholson in all its glory. This is a story about how life and joy can be brought into even a psychiatric hospital. The injustice and cruelty of people is replaced in the picture by compassion for the weak.

Shutter Island

In the list of the best recommended dramas, you can always find this film by Martin Scorsese. The intricate plot with an unexpected ending boggles the imagination of the inexperienced viewer. Leonardo DiCaprio, in tandem with Mark Ruffalo, creates the image of an interested detective.

Django Unchained

A film that differs from the previous works of Quentin Tarantino. Here he not only showed the plight of the colored population of America in the last century, but also touched upon the themes of devotion, loyalty and love. The bravery of the protagonist and the recognition of the black partner as equal shows that people with broad mindedness have always found a way to justice.

Dallas Buyers Club

Launched last year, the drama immediately made it onto the list of the best films to watch. In the center of the plot is the hero Matthew McConaughey, who fell ill with a little-known HIV in the 80s. The topic remains relevant even now, when methods of treating the virus are already known, which, although they do not completely destroy the disease, help to prolong its existence. Oppression of the sick and prejudice towards them remains in society in the 21st century, so it is not surprising that the film received a number of awards and prizes. Jared Leto, who plays an infected transvestite, and the theme of the struggle for the lives of the sick brought the film success.
