Many prominent figures in filmmaking are very interesting personalities. It is generally accepted that if a person is really great on stage, then he will be the same in life. The personality of Angelina Jolie can be a confirmation of this thesis.

Angelina Jolie is considered by many to be the standard of femininity, supermom, sex symbol and talented actress. "Lara Croft", Goodwill Ambassador to the UN, mother of six children, wife of Brad Pitt - she has many names, but her real, sincere, without masks and roles is known only to her relatives. The rest can only be content with the known facts.
Angelina Jolie Voight was born in 1978 on June 4 in California, Los Angeles. He spent his childhood in New York, then again in Los Angeles. Jolie entered the cinema school, this period of her life was not easy for the girl. Complexes due to non-standard appearance, thinness, unsuccessful tests at modeling agencies, forced the unhappy and depressed Angelina to find a way out in typical teenage antics - to cut cuts on her body.
From the age of 14, she participated in fashion shows, and later began her acting career. In the following years, the actress was nominated for an Emmy, films with her participation received a Golden Globe, and Jolie herself received an Oscar. Many paintings with her roles are known. For example, "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", "Wanted", "Temptation" and others.
Jolie's family life is not easy. The most famous novel, which journalists dubbed "Brangelina", gave the world six children, although only three of them are biological for the Jolie-Pitt family.
Angelina Jolie has repeatedly topped the ratings of the most beautiful women in the world, the highest paid actresses in Hollywood, and has also become a sex symbol of all time.