Alexander Demyanenko: Short Biography

Alexander Demyanenko: Short Biography
Alexander Demyanenko: Short Biography

In the art world, a person rarely manages to maintain their individuality. Before going on stage or set, the actor has to psychologically adjust and rebuild. Alexander Demyanenko did not experience such difficulties. He remained natural in the performance of any role.

Alexander Demyanenko
Alexander Demyanenko

Childhood and youth

When it comes to famous Soviet actors, we often have to listen to stories about a difficult childhood and difficulties in career growth. Nothing of the kind about Alexander Sergeevich Demyanenko has to be heard. Deafening popularity came to him thanks to the efforts of the director. Comedy director Leonid Gaidai was looking for a suitable performer for a role in his next project for a long time. And when he saw Alexander, in the very first seconds he realized that he had found exactly the type that was required.

The popular favorite was born on May 30, 1937 in the family of the creative intelligentsia. Parents at that time lived in the famous city of Sverdlovsk. My father worked as an actor at the local opera house and taught at the conservatory. Mother worked as an accountant in one of the industrial enterprises. Alexander from an early age lived in a creative environment. As a child, he visited his father in the theater in his free time. During his school years, he attended classes with a great desire at the drama studio, which operated at the city Palace of Pioneers.


Creative way

After graduating from school, Demyanenko tried to enter the Moscow Art Theater School. The field admissions committee looked through the applicants in Sverdlovsk. Alexander was not included in the number of students. However, the failure did not discourage him in the least. A year later, he himself went to Moscow and brilliantly passed the entrance exams at GITIS. Already in his student years, Demyanenko starred in the film "Wind". He received an invitation from famous directors Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov. In 1959, Demyanenko received a diploma and entered the service at the Mayakovsky Academic Theater.

After working for the statutory three years, Alexander moved to Leningrad. He was invited to work at the Lenfilm film studio and, which is very important, was given a separate apartment. In the city on the Neva, the actor received regular invitations to participate in various projects. The film "Peace to the Incoming", in which Demyanenko played the role of a Soviet officer, received many awards and diplomas, both in the USSR and abroad. Then the painting "Dima Gorin's Career" appeared. But the real fame was brought to the actor by the film "Operation Y and Other Adventures of Shurik".

Recognition and privacy

Two years after "Operation Y", the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" was released, in which Demyanenko played one of the main roles. The homeland highly appreciated the actor's contribution to the development of the domestic cinema art, he was awarded the honorary title "People's Artist of the RSFSR".

The personal life of Alexander Sergeevich did not develop immediately. He married twice. In alliance with his second wife, he lived until his death. The actor died in August 1999 of a heart attack.