Sergey Panchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Sergey Panchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Sergey Panchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Serhiy Panchenko is a Ukrainian and Kazakh ornithologist. He was engaged in the popularization of nature conservation in the Luhansk region. He became famous for his work on the study of birds in Eastern Ukraine, Northern and Central Kazakhstan.

Sergey Panchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Sergey Panchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Sergei Grigorievich continued the tradition of studying the avifauna in the regions. The most notable part of his activities is associated with higher education. The main merit is the creation of a modern exposition of the Zoological Museum at the Lugansk National University.

Merit of the scientist

Panchenko took part in many projects for the preservation of aviafauna. He made a significant contribution to the survey of the natural reserve on the territory of the Luhansk region. Sergei Grigorievich was engaged in the protection of endangered species of fauna.

He has published over a hundred works on ecology, geography of birds, aviation problems of ornithology, methods of teaching science. Sergey Grigorievich wrote the monograph "Birds of the Luhansk region", which became a continuation of the works of famous scientists. Panchenko created the first list of vertebrate regions.

In 2000, the ornithologist published data on the current state of the vertebrate fauna, rare species. For about four decades, Panchenko has been educating young zoologists and biologists.

He worked in Semipalatinsk, and then in Lugansk pedagogical institutes as an associate professor, and then head of the department of zoology.

Sergey Panchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Sergey Panchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life

The beginning of the way

The biography of the famous scientist began in 1928 in the Altai Territory. Sergei Grigorievich was born on June 29 into a peasant family. Parents with four children then moved to Kazakhstan. After graduating from school, Sergei continued his education at the Talgar agricultural technical school. After him, the graduate worked at the Institute of Animal Husbandry of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences.

In 1946 the young specialist became a student at the Kazakh State University. During his studies, Panchenko participated in expeditions to Central Kazakhstan, the Balkhash region. He studied the black tern, which was found to be harmful to the fish industry. In his thesis, the student proved that the bird is useful, and erroneous views are subject to complete revision.

After completing his studies in 1951, Panchenko was sent to graduate school at the Institute of Zoology at the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, headed by the outstanding ornithologist Igor Dolgushin. The scientist has been researching a huge sparsely populated area for three years. After graduate school, the researcher began working at the Republican Sanitary and Epidemiological Station under the Ministry of Health.

Panchenko worked on a dissertation on the most important sports and hunting birds and justifications for the creation of hunting farms in the Karaganda region. The work "Water birds of the Karaganda region", successfully defended at the beginning of 1956, reflected the material collected during the postgraduate study. The data became the basis for a five-volume monograph on the birds of Kazakhstan.

Sergey Panchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Sergey Panchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Scientific activity

In 1956 Panchenko became an associate professor, and then the head of the zoo department of the pedagogical institute in Semipalatinsk. Sergei Grigorievich became one of the founders of the Dolgushinsky ornithological school. The ornithologist collected information about the birds of the region, wrote the most significant works on the aviafauna of Central and Northern Kazakhstan. These materials are still in demand today.

Together with his family, his wife and daughter, Panchenko, who had established his personal life, moved to Ukraine and began work at the Lugansk Pedagogical Institute. Panchenko was a member of the Academic Council, supervised the work of the Scientific Society. He provided the department with new equipment, technical means, biomaterials.

Practical classes and lectures were held at the highest level. A talented teacher has created an author's slide library, audio recordings of bird voices. And now his special courses are being read. It was Panchenko who introduced the work of students in areas that were broken up in squares. Since 1964, the scientist was the head of the field training practice. Sergey Grigorievich believed that taxidermy skills were needed to create biocabinets.

He created a workshop "Making zoological visual aids" for school teachers and workers of zoological museums, wrote recommendations on this topic. Thanks to the enthusiast, the small institute museum has become one of the best in Ukraine. Since 1972, the exposition has been transferred to a new building. A photo gallery with photographs taken by Sergei Grigorievich was created in it.

In 1974 the museum became the hallmark of Lugansk University. The Zoological Museum gained fame abroad. It is included in the reference book "World Natural Museums".

Sergey Panchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Sergey Panchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Nature conservation activities

For the first time, Panchenko's publications on the topic of nature protection appeared in 1958. The scientist was constantly engaged in security activities. He took part in the organization of the Yunitskiy reserve.

The ornithologist made the greatest contribution to the creation of the Proval steppe reserve in 1975. He paid a lot of attention to the ringing of birds. Panchenko wrote over a hundred scientific papers, manuals, articles and essays. He was the editor-in-chief of the collection "Protect the Native Nature".

The seventies were the most fruitful. Almost three dozen scientific papers have been written over a decade. The scientist took part in ornithological congresses and forums annually.

For several years, under the leadership of Panchenko, work was carried out to reduce the likelihood of a collision of birds with aircraft in the airfield area. Sergei Grigorievich headed the biosection at the Voroshilovgrad Regional Council of the Environmental Society, gave lectures, appeared on television, radio, and published environmental articles.

Sergey Panchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Sergey Panchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life

The scientist passed away on March 20, 2011. In memory of him, since 2012, the name of Panchenko has been given to the competition of young nature lovers "Winged neighbors".
