Rebecca Ferguson: Biography, Career, Personal Life, Interesting Facts

Rebecca Ferguson: Biography, Career, Personal Life, Interesting Facts
Rebecca Ferguson: Biography, Career, Personal Life, Interesting Facts

Rebecca Ferguson is a Swedish film actress. She became popular in an instant after the release of such projects as "The White Queen" and "Mission: Impossible". A tribe of outcasts. " The actress is not going to stop there. She continues to actively star in blockbusters.

Actress Rebecca Ferguson
Actress Rebecca Ferguson

Rebecca spends most of her time on the plane. She constantly works with world stars. But at the same time he does not like social events and exits on the red carpet. He prefers to spend his free time with his children.

short biography

Date of birth - October 19, 1983. Was born in Stockholm. Almost immediately after birth, the parents decided to file for divorce.

The girl's childhood was eventful. At first she attended an English-speaking school. Then she transferred to the usual one, thanks to which at an early age she calmly spoke two languages - English and Swedish. In parallel with her studies, she studied music, attended a ballet studio, mastered tango and tap dance.

Rebecca Ferguson in the movie "The White Queen"
Rebecca Ferguson in the movie "The White Queen"

When she was 13 years old, the girl started working as a model. She advertised clothes. At the age of 18 she left for America for a year. In her free time from filming, she studied surfing and diving.

Career in Sweden

The debut on the set took place in 1999. Rebecca Ferguson starred in the Swedish motion picture "New Times". The project instantly made the aspiring actress famous, but only in Sweden. At that time, the girl was 15 years old. It was at this moment that she realized that she wanted to connect life with cinema.

The next project in the filmography of Rebecca Ferguson is Ocean Avenue. Appeared before the audience in the form of Chrissy Erickson. She has appeared in several episodes.

Then there was a role in the films "Spirit of the Drowned Man", "New Times", "Irresistible". For a while, the girl decided to end her career. She simply did not cope with the popularity that had piled on her. The actress left for a small town in Sweden, where journalists could not find her. Rebecca planned to take care of her family, raising children.

And if not for the fateful meeting, the creative biography of Rebecca Ferguson could have turned out differently. The girl accidentally ran into director Richard Hobert at the door of the store. This meeting turned out to be significant for the talented actress.

Rebecca Ferguson, Tom Cruise and Simon Pegg
Rebecca Ferguson, Tom Cruise and Simon Pegg

The famous director invited the girl to star in the film "One Way to Antibes". The project opened the door to the big cinema for the actress.

Successful roles

The girl became popular instantly after the first episodes of the film "The White Queen" were shown. Before the audience, the talented actress appeared in the form of Elizabeth Woodville. The multi-part project was positively evaluated by both viewers and critics. The girl received a Golden Globe for her masterful acting. Rebecca Ferguson's career took off sharply after that.

The next role was played in the film "Hercules". Together with her, Dwayne Johnson worked on the creation of the film project. The popular actress appeared in the form of Eugene. Thanks to this film, the girl was talked about in Hollywood.

Rebecca Ferguson and Michael Fassbender
Rebecca Ferguson and Michael Fassbender

The talented actress has managed to impress famous directors. She was invited to star in the movie Mission: Impossible. A tribe of outcasts. " Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner and Alec Baldwin worked with Rebecca on the set. The girl skillfully coped with the role of Ilsa's special agent. The actress also appeared in the next part - “Mission: Impossible. Effects". Henry Cavill joined the cast.

In the filmography of Rebecca Ferguson, it is worth highlighting such projects as "Girl on the Train", "Live", "Snowman", "Men in Black. International”,“The Greatest Showman”. At the present stage, he is working on the creation of projects such as "Dune" and "Mission Impossible 7".

Off the set

How are things in Rebecca Ferguson's personal life? The actress was married. Her chosen one was called Ludwig. A child was born in marriage. Happy parents named their son Isaac. However, the birth of a baby failed to strengthen the relationship. Very soon, the actress announced her divorce.

Rebecca gave birth to another child in 2018. For a long time, there were rumors that Zac Efron became the girl's father. With the actor, the girl starred in the movie "The Greatest Showman". But the stars refuse to comment on the rumors. Rebecca does not reveal the name of the child or the name of her father.

Actress Rebecca Ferguson
Actress Rebecca Ferguson

Not so long ago, there were rumors that the girl had secretly married. Rory calls her husband. Only the closest people were invited to the ceremony.

Interesting Facts

  1. Rebecca Ferguson in Mission Impossible. A tribe of outcasts”was called on the recommendation of Tom Cruise. He watched the series with a girl in the title role and wanted to work with her on the set.
  2. To play the role of a special agent, Rebecca spent almost all of her time in the gym. In addition, she mastered the techniques of hand-to-hand combat and learned how to fire weapons. The efforts were not in vain. The girl performed most of the tricks on her own.
  3. Rebecca is claustrophobic. She is also dizzy at high altitude. But this did not stop the girl from performing stunts.
