James Woods: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

James Woods: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
James Woods: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

James Howard Woods is an American actor, screenwriter, director, and producer. He has more than one hundred and twenty roles in films and TV series on his account. Winner of Emmy, Golden Globe and Young Hollywood Awards and Oscar nominee. In 1998, the acclaimed star James Woods appeared on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

James Woods
James Woods

The creative biography of James began in 1972, when he first appeared on screens in several films at once. But the actor achieved his greatest popularity when he starred in the films: "Once Upon a Time in America", "Policeman", "Specialist", "Chaplin".

For the leading role in the film by the famous Oliver Stone "Salvador" Woods was nominated for an Oscar, embodying on the screen the image of a journalist collecting material in "hot spots" and ended up in El Salvador during a coup d'etat.

The actor, in addition to working in films, is engaged in dubbing cartoon characters and computer video games. The characters of The Simpsons, Family Guy, Hercules speak in his voice.

It is interesting to note that Woods has the highest IQ and his IQ is 180, which is significantly higher than Einstein's.

James Woods
James Woods


James was born in the spring of 1947 in the United States. The boy's father was a military man, and his mother taught at one of the local educational institutions. James also has a younger brother.

The boy was brought up in severity, and in childhood he was a very notorious child, suffering from various phobias and fears. He had almost no friends, the reason for this was fuzzy speech, which interfered with normal communication and further affected the formation of James's character. But his father's strictness helped the child to study well at school and be one of the most successful and disciplined students.

When James was thirteen years old, his father died unexpectedly after undergoing surgery and the complications it caused. Mom soon remarried, and the stepfather took over the upbringing of the boy.

Actor James Woods
Actor James Woods

Student years

Back in his school years, the boy wanted to become a doctor, but later his plans changed. Having brilliantly graduated from school, James continued his education at the University of Massachusetts, choosing the profession of a political scientist and had not even thought about any acting career.

From his first years, James began to actively participate in student life and became interested in theatrical performances. Soon he was already in charge of the student theater and attended a drama club. Gradually, his hobby grew into a desire to master acting, be creative and build a career in show business. So James abandoned his previously chosen profession and went to New York to try his hand at theatrical and cinematic fields.

Film career

Woods' debut took place in two films at once, which brought him well-deserved success and an invitation to new projects, of which there were a huge number for his acting biography. James began filming all the time. The list of his works includes roles in comedies, horrors, dramas, thrillers, action films. In the early 80s, he joined the cast of the famous film "Once Upon a Time in America" and pleasantly surprised not only the audience, but also film critics with his acting skills.

James Woods biography
James Woods biography

Woods' next role was in Salvador, which earned the artist an Oscar nomination. Such famous actors as James Belushi, John Savage and Michael Murphy worked with him on the set.

Then in the creative biography of the actor appeared works in the films: "Policeman", "Cat's Eye", "My name is Bill V.", "Ghosts of the Mississippi", "Vampires", "Real Crime", "Shark", "Straw Dogs", Ray Donovan and many others. Each time, the artist skillfully transformed himself into heroes or villains and brilliantly performed his roles.

Personal life

James, according to his inner circle, has a very difficult character. Perhaps this was the reason that his marriages ended in scandalous divorces and the actor began to be called a misogynist. The only exception was the first alliance with Catherine Morrison. The couple lived together for three years and quietly parted, without making any claims to each other.

All further attempts by James to create a family led in the end only to public scandals.

James Woods and his biography
James Woods and his biography

Woods briefly had a relationship with Sean Young, who soon charged him with harassment. James also filed a lawsuit against his former lover. As a result, the proceedings ended in nothing, but there was a lot of noise in the press.

With his second wife - Sarah Owen - Woods lived only a year. The wife accused James of violence and filed for divorce. James, in turn, stated that his ex-wife is a fraud and a deceiver.

The young actress Tory Otslite was supposed to become Woods' new darling, but it never came to a wedding.