Who Are The 4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Who Are The 4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
Who Are The 4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are characters from the biblical text who symbolize the main troubles of mankind - war, plague, death and hunger. According to legend, they descend to earth in a strictly defined order. This happens after the opening of the seals of the book of Revelations. The appearance of each rider entails destruction throughout the world.

Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Horseman of the Apocalypse on a white horse

The rider on a white horse is different from his companions, however, like the rest of the riders, it symbolizes evil. His image is associated with lies, false prophecies and internal strife. This interpretation is controversial. The fact is that white is usually not associated with evil. On a white horse, for example, Jesus was depicted, symbolizing righteousness.

The images of horsemen are often interpreted in close connection with certain events in the world. For example, the massive famine of 62 AD, the bloody British uprising of 61 AD.

Opinions also differ regarding the white horse and its rider. Some scientists call it a plague, others - punishment or retribution. In any case, the appearance of this rider does not entail anything good. As a result of his arrival, numerous victims become. The other three characters are more detailed and less controversial.

The rider on the white horse looks the most powerful and is usually depicted in the paintings first. The expression on his face can be called proud and arrogant at the same time.

Horseman of the Apocalypse on a black horse

The rider on a black horse is a symbol of hunger. You can see the scales in his hands. According to the researchers, this image was directly related to the price of bread and its quantity during the famine. The lack of food made them more valuable.

The rider's appearance can be termed intimidating or even deadly. A thin, lifeless face, evil insensitive eyes and a horse that looks more like a dragon - all these features inspire fear at the very sight of the characters.

Horseman of the Apocalypse on a red horse

A rider on a red horse symbolizes war. In this case, we mean not only the attack of peoples against each other, but also constant quarrels between them. The rider sows strife, hatred and enmity on the earth.

The horse's red color was not chosen by chance. Bright color is a symbol of blood, which accompanies any war.

A rider on a red horse is depicted in a warlike or attacking pose. In his hands he holds a huge sword, with all his appearance symbolizing battles, murder and destruction.

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are found not only in biblical texts. Films are made about these characters, they become heroes of songs and books.

Horseman of the Apocalypse on a pale horse

The rider on the pale horse brings death to earth. According to some interpretations, this character is a messenger from hell. Outwardly, the rider on the pale horse is also different. The character himself looks like a skeleton, and his horse seems emaciated and exhausted.