Apocalypse - How It Will Be

Apocalypse - How It Will Be
Apocalypse - How It Will Be

The end of the world and the death of all life on the planet are predicted almost every year. At the same time, the assumptions of exactly how this will happen can be very different - from a global flood to a man-made catastrophe.

Fire from heaven is one of the possible scenarios of the apocalypse
Fire from heaven is one of the possible scenarios of the apocalypse

There are many scenarios for a possible end of the world. Some of them are more likely, others, like the zombie apocalypse, are more like a scary tale. However, the fact that the probability of the death of the Earth and all life on it is quite high is beyond doubt. At the same time, there are a lot of factors that can lead to such events.

Great dry

Water is the foundation of everything on the planet. The earth is designed in such a way that life cannot continue without this component. Therefore, a decrease in the water level by even a small part will have serious consequences, and its complete disappearance is a disaster. This can happen due to a sharp increase in air temperature and a complete cessation of precipitation. Similar processes can be observed in deserts that were once fertile. However, in this case, these processes will occur everywhere.

Living beings cannot live without water, which is why they will all die out. There is a certain percentage of organisms that, when exposed to an unfavorable environment, slow down the processes in the body so much that they can survive a drought. But they too will gradually run out of nutrients.

Of all the animals and birds, those that feed on carrion will last the longest. The reason for this is simple: they will receive at least some of the moisture they need from other organisms. However, when their food disappears, they will also die.

Big water

Another scenario that suggests the apocalypse is the flood. This option is also offered by religious traditions. Scientists have been predicting it ever since they learned that global warming is not just science fiction, but a process that is gaining momentum. The effects of melting glaciers are already being felt, but this is only the beginning.

This scenario of the apocalypse will not necessarily entail the extinction of all life on the planet. Only those who cannot find swimming facilities in time will disappear, and, of course, all land animals.

When the water covers all continents, leaving not a single, even the smallest, piece of land, all life will be concentrated in the ocean. Human civilization will perish, but there will remain a chance that there will be an opportunity to create a new society in new conditions.

Fire from the sky

Those who have read the corresponding text of the Bible know that a star must fall from heaven, which will burn all life on earth. If we draw analogies with the phenomena known to science, we can assume that the possible cause of the apocalypse is the fall of an asteroid or meteorite.

A celestial body of huge mass, which at high speed crashes into the Earth, destroying everything in its path - the scenario of many films about the end of the world. Indeed, the consequences of such a disaster would be dire.

If an asteroid crashes into open space, only what is directly in its path will die. However, the danger for all living things is that it can destroy, for example, nuclear power plants or other similar objects, thereby causing a man-made disaster.

In the event that an ocean is in the path of the asteroid, a tsunami of enormous force will be formed, which will also bring great destruction. It will be possible to escape from the consequences of such a disaster only in a special bunker. Accordingly, a very small percentage of people have a chance to survive.