Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

The Russian economy has long lost its position in the world market for investments, goods and services. At the current moment in time for civilized countries, oil is pumped, metals are smelted and forests are cut down. Zakhar Smushkin is engaged in the export of wood and pulp and paper products.

Zakhar Smushkin
Zakhar Smushkin

Starting conditions

Zakhar Davidovich Smushkin was born on January 23, 1962 in an ordinary family of Soviet intellectuals. The parents of the future businessman lived in Leningrad. The child grew up and was brought up in the cultural capital of a great power. The boy did well at school. It did not stand out from the total mass. I have not contacted hooligans. He attended a chess club in the Palace of Pioneers. When it came time to choose a profession, his parents advised Zakhar to pursue higher education at the local Institute of Technology for the Pulp and Paper Industry.

Having received a certificate of maturity, Smushkin entered this institute and successfully graduated from it. Since he received excellent marks in specialized disciplines, Zakhar was invited to graduate school. When preparing his Ph. D. thesis, the applicant for an academic title researched in great detail the technical and economic state of forestry in the country. After graduate school, Smushkin worked for two years in a Soviet-American enterprise that supplied equipment for pulp and paper mills - the pulp and paper mill.

Entrepreneurial activity

When wholesale privatization began in the country in the early 90s, Zakhar Davidovich did not remain an indifferent observer. Together with trained partners, he ripped out the industry in which he worked with the type of his commercial activity. As the first step, domestic businessmen established the Ilim company. Under this brand, an ordinary commercial structure was transformed into the largest holding. The holding includes pulp and paper mills located in Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk and Kotlas.

The accumulated capital allowed the businessman to form the famous Domovoy supermarket chain in St. Petersburg. Household goods and small household appliances have become available to the population with minimal incomes. Another direction that Smushkin is persistently developing is the construction of a satellite city on the border of the city and the region. Foreign companies are involved in the design, including the computer giant IBM. Residential buildings and social infrastructure facilities for 130 million inhabitants will be equipped with the Internet of Things and "Reasonable House" systems.

Essays on personal life

Information about the commercial activities of Zakhar Smushkin hides data about his personal life. It is useless to look for juicy facts in open sources. In his free time, he likes to sit at the chessboard and play tennis. The entrepreneur is married. The husband and wife raised a son.

Zakhar Davidovich collects paintings and items of folk art. Periodically, he holds exhibitions, which are attended by everyone. In the near future, there are plans to create a private museum. Only for this it is necessary to choose the time and place.
