The Baroque style, which replaced the Renaissance, appeared in Italy in the late 16th - early 17th centuries. At this time, the country lost its political and economic power. Part of its territory was captured by foreign conquerors - the Spaniards and the French. Nevertheless, Italy continued to be the cultural center of Europe. The Italian nobility and church leaders tried to preserve the illusion of wealth and power. To do this, they had to turn to art. This is how the Baroque style arose.

Step 1
The name "baroque" is borrowed from the jargon of the Portuguese pearl divers and, literally translated, means a pearl of irregular shape - a pearl with corruption. From the Italian "baroque" is translated as "bizarre", "strange", "pretentious", "prone to excesses." Baroque art is distinguished by splendor, exaltation of images; it is characterized by dynamism and the desire to combine reality and illusion.

Step 2
A truly unique look of architectural structures of the Baroque era. They are distinguished by an abundance of lush decorative ornaments, emphasized theatricality, and the predominance of complex curvilinear outlines. One of the most interesting and unusual Baroque buildings is the Roman Church of San Carlo alle Cuatro Fontane, designed by Francesco Borromini. A small and extremely inconvenient site was allocated for her at the intersection of two streets. Apparently, therefore, Borromini made the temple very small. In the corners there are 4 sculptural groups with fountains, thanks to which the church got its name. The building is oval in plan and covered with a dome. Its facade is subdivided into 2 tiers. The wall of the upper tier is wavy: it either bends or protrudes forward, as if changing before our eyes.

Step 3
The recognized genius of the Baroque is the sculptor and architect Lorenzo Bernini. His work is distinguished by the dynamics so characteristic of the Baroque, the master does not show the state of the characters, but a brief instant of action. These are the masterpieces of Bernini "David", "Apollo and Daphne", "The Abduction of Proserpine."

Step 4
The main criterion of baroque painting is beauty, expressed in the deliberate splendor and enlargement of forms. Another important feature of Baroque painting is the transmission of movement. As in sculpture, it shows the action, the process, and not the end result. Oddly enough, the greatest master of painting of the Baroque era was not an Italian, but a Flemish artist - Peter Powell Rubens. Typical works of the Baroque style include such works by Rubens as "Self-portrait with Isabella Brant", also known as "Honeysuckle Gazebo", and the altar painting "Exaltation of the Cross". In the painting of the altar, the artist, following the baroque tradition, did not show the crucifixion as already accomplished, but made the viewer a witness to the execution.

Step 5
In Italian, primarily - Venetian - painting of the Baroque era, the genre of urban landscape became very popular. Its most famous author was Canaletto, who captured the magnificent views of his native Venice.