Grooms have been saints in all countries for centuries. Modern girls are worried about this issue as much as the heroines of the Middle Ages or the Renaissance. Each nation has its own methods of fortune telling on the betrothed.

Christmas divination
Traditionally, fortune-telling is chosen on the night of Christmas Eve and the period before Epiphany. You can read about this from A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol and other classics of world literature. On Christmas night, Russian women went out into the street and, arms outstretched, tried to grab the fence boards, if an even number of boards turned out to be "embraced" - to be a wedding.
Quite a well-known fortune-telling with mirrors. You will need two mirrors and two wax candles. The mirrors are placed on a flat surface with the reflective side facing each other. Lighted candles are placed between them. Fortune-telling takes place in the twilight. It is believed that if you look at the reflection of the candle flame in the mirror for a long time, you can see your groom.
In good old England, a girl went to the woodpile at night and brought an armful of firewood into the house. In the morning, the logs were counted, if there were an odd number, the wedding was postponed.
Fortune-telling on apples is widespread in the Czech Republic. After the Christmas feast, the apple was cut in half, if the middle turned out to be in the form of a regular star made of seeds, the year will be successful. To find out whether she loves or not loves, Czech women treated their loved one to an apple. If he ate it completely, with the core, be young together. If he refuses an apple or, even worse, gives it to someone, it means that he does not love and will not love.
Love does not love
Everyone knows chamomile fortune telling. But in France, peasant girls, guessing at the groom, resorted to the help of pansies. They rotated the flower, holding it by the stalk, while saying: "Think well, in which direction the narrowed one, where you stop, there is dear." We were guided by large petals.
The French practice card fortune telling, which shed light on matters of the heart. It is necessary to enchant after sunset all alone. The cards are special, hand-drawn. Having asked a question, they laid out the cards and tried to decipher the meaning of the pictures.
Simple and interesting Celtic apple fortune telling. You need to take as many apples as there are in the life of men who are interesting to you. Call the apples by the names of fans, loved ones (if there is only one man, take one apple), scratch them on the fruit with your fingernail.
Leave apples in the garden, in an open area. In the morning, inspect them, an apple pecked by birds - a man is not capable of a serious relationship, one side has been pecked out, there is a rival. If the fruit is thrown to the ground, this is an alarming sign, you cannot associate life with the person whose name is written on the apple.
There are many ways of fortune telling on a narrowed one, some of them are comic in nature, but there are also impressive methods to look into the future, to find out the name of the groom.