A Brief Life Of The Monk Paul Of Obnorsk Of Komel

A Brief Life Of The Monk Paul Of Obnorsk Of Komel
A Brief Life Of The Monk Paul Of Obnorsk Of Komel

One of the most revered saints of Russia is the Monk Sergius of Radonezh. This devotee of piety had a tremendous influence on the formation of monasticism in Russia. Many of the monk's disciples in different parts of the country founded communal monasteries themselves. The Monk Paul of Obnorsk is one of the many outstanding disciples of the Monk Sergius.

A Brief Life of the Monk Paul of Obnorsk of Komel
A Brief Life of the Monk Paul of Obnorsk of Komel

The Monk Pavel of Obnorsk was a contemporary and disciple of the great hegumen of the Russian Land, Sergius of Radonezh, the wonderworker. The future devotee of piety was born in Moscow.

Upon reaching adulthood, the parents wanted to marry Paul, but the latter, having decided to remain a virgin, secretly left home from his parents for one of the distant monasteries, where he subsequently took monastic vows and began to lead an ascetic life.

After that, Paul decided to turn for spiritual guidance to the already known at that time Saint Sergius of Radonezh. Saint Paul settled near the great miracle worker and diligently adopted the spiritual experience of the great hegumen. When the Monk Sergius felt the readiness of his disciple for independent spiritual improvement, he blessed Paul to retire into the wilderness.

After spending time in complete hermitism, Pavel subsequently settled in the Komel forest (present-day Vologda region) near the Gryazovitsa River and lived in a hollow for three years. A few years later, the saint moved again to a new place - near the Nurma River. Here the monk set up a cell for himself.

Hearing about the ascetic life of the saint, many people began to flock to Paul for spiritual guidance and consolation, wishing to pursue asceticism under his leadership. However, Saint Paul did not agree to take disciples for himself, expecting a special God's command to create a monastic monastery. The Lord gave a special sign to Saint Paul. The monk at nights on Sundays and holidays began to hear bells ringing in the desert and to see a bright light. It was at this place, with the blessing of the Moscow Metropolitan Photius, that the Monk Paul decided to build a monastic monastery. This is how the famous Obnorsky monastery was founded.

The Monk Paul appointed an abbot to the monastery, and he himself shut up in a cell for fasting and prayer. Only on Saturdays and Sundays did Saint Paul appear before the monastics with words of edification in the spiritual life.

The great devotee of piety died at the age of 112. The relics of the monk are still in his monastery, which allows many believers to receive miraculous healings through the prayers of the monk and after his death by touching the holy relics.

The memory of the saint is celebrated by the Church on January 23rd.
