Brief Biography Of The Monk Varlaam Of Khutynsky

Brief Biography Of The Monk Varlaam Of Khutynsky
Brief Biography Of The Monk Varlaam Of Khutynsky

Russia, which took over the Christian culture from Byzantium, became home to many devotees of piety. Russian Orthodox saints are full of the names of prominent saints. One of these is the Monk Varlaam of Khutynsky.

Brief biography of the Monk Varlaam of Khutynsky
Brief biography of the Monk Varlaam of Khutynsky

The Monk Varlaam of Khutynsky was born at the beginning of the 12th century into a family of wealthy Novgorodians. Even at a young age, the boy felt the desire for a pious ascetic life and monasticism. He avoided children's games, often spent a long time in prayer, fasted strictly. The parents wanted to protect their child from such a strict Christian life, but the boy replied that there is nothing more precious than the Kingdom of Heaven. After such an answer, the parents gave Barlaam complete freedom in choosing their future.

Soon after the death of his parents, Barlaam distributed most of his estate to the poor and retired for spiritual exploits in the desert. Desiring even greater solitude, the Monk Varlaam settled in a forest on the banks of the Volkhov not far from Novgorod. The place of the monk's settlement was a hill called Khutyn.

Hearing about the ascetic life of the saint, many people began to come to the Monk Barlaam for advice and spiritual guidance. Among the visitors of the righteous were well-known princes. Soon believers began to flock to the ascetic, wishing to begin a monastic life under the spiritual guidance of the monk. It was decided to build a temple, around which cells were erected. The estate that remained with the saint, Barlaam gave for the improvement of the monastic monastery.

The Monk Barlaam wrote a charter for his monastery, which required the obligatory performance of works of mercy: to give alms to the poor, to feed and water all the pilgrims. For the spiritual exploits of the saint, the Lord rewarded the Monk Barlaam with the gift of clairvoyance and miracles. From the life of the saint it is known how the monk petitioned for deliverance from the execution of a criminal. It turned out that in the future this person had the opportunity to reform and start a pious life. Once the monk predicted to the Novgorod archbishop many snowfalls. The townspeople were afraid of snow, believing that it could damage the harvest. However, the snow cover killed all the worms in the fields.

In his dying instruction, the monk bequeathed to all believers to live the day as if it were the last. The righteous man died in 1192. After his death, the Monk Varlaam appeared to people several times during the days of difficult trials in Russia. So it was during the attack in 1521 by Mahmet-Giray and in 1620 with the invasion of the Poles.

Both during his lifetime and after death, the Monk Varlaam of Khutynsky continues to perform miracles. His holy relics rest in the Khutynsky monastery founded by him.

The Orthodox Church honors the day of remembrance of the great righteous man on November 19 (new style).
