The People As A Social Community

The People As A Social Community
The People As A Social Community

The concept of "people" is broad, this category can include any ethnic group or even the entire population of the state. As a social community, a people integrates through production, this is a people's activity that has a social character.

The people as a social community
The people as a social community

Labor as a factor of unity

Joint work, uniting a number of individuals, helps to develop a similar attitude towards life values and traditions for each person. At the same time, sociology in this case understands labor not as the production of something or processing, but as a global process.

Before the Renaissance, the concept of "people" was associated exclusively with the idea of a community of people, there was even a descriptive concept of "the flock of Christ", synonymous with the category "people". It is obvious that such an ontological interpretation does not have a sociological basis, with such an understanding there is no internal gradation (in the herd everyone is equal, everything is interspersed), functionality. Meanwhile, with the development of philosophical thought and the development of a number of social concepts of understanding the personality and community, it became obvious that the “people”, even as a tribe, is heterogeneous, there are groups, micro- and macro-, there are collectives that have a role in the formation of a people, nationality, the formation of the historical process.

The historical role of the people and the definition of community in the key of the development of history

The role of the people in historical changes differs depending on the era. For example, revolutionary upheavals, of course, became an incentive for development, but wars destroyed some communities, causing regression. Similarly, in the production sphere, which more defines the essence of the "people" as social: the formation of an economic balance and the satisfaction of the consumption rate led to stagnation, but the growth of needs against the background of a low level of production led to progressive development (mechanization, technical revolutions, scientific discoveries). It is logical to assume that joint work and the struggle for progress are related characteristics, defining the people as a social community. The unity of the people is getting closer to the human essence and is manifested with the development of society.

It is curious that, for example, such a unifying category as "language", "linguistic communication" loses to the "labor" uniting factor. The language of the people, not being a determining factor in the community of the people, is a support for creating a connection between people, while labor determines the specifics of development and the very possibility of unity.

After considering the factors of creating a community of the people, I would like to determine whether these factors mean anything in uniting the people, whether it is worth determining the spiritual culture, psychological and social characteristics by the sign of the people. Even specialized literature, unfortunately, will not provide an exact answer to this question. Little attention is paid to spiritual factors, priority is given to objective material production.

Drawing conclusions, we can say with confidence that a national community, being a union, a connection of people, can be built not only on material, but also on subjectively conscious factors, moreover, without them, it is practically impossible for a normal social society to develop.
