How To Become One With Everything

How To Become One With Everything
How To Become One With Everything

If it seems to you that you live in the best of the worlds, and everyone around you only wishes the best for you, your relationship with the world is close to complete harmony. But even if this is not entirely true, you can make friends with the world and feel like a part of it - huge and beautiful.

How to become one with everything
How to become one with everything

Of course, you won't be able to do this right away - you will have to change your view of the surrounding reality, way of thinking, behavior. But worth a try! Psychologists note that people who perceive the world as something friendly and initially “kind” are much happier than those who think differently.

Make friends with nature

It is not only about love for “smaller brothers” and respect for green spaces, look at this much more broadly. Try to accept the idea that a lot of things in the world are happening because they ought to be happening. This also applies to the cyclical nature of natural phenomena, and changes in weather conditions, and … relationships between people. The latter are characterized by quarrels, and reconciliation, and jealousy, and parting, and meetings - all these are natural, natural phenomena.

You can try this exercise. Walk through your favorite park or street, especially dear to your heart, but not on a fine day, but when "a good owner will not drive the dog out into the street." Think about the fact that although nature does not pamper you with sunshine and warmth, you still love this place. Remember how it happens on better days. It will be like this many more times, you just have to wait.

Make friends with others

The worse you think about people, the worse they will treat you - this is the law of "reflection". The effect of "expectation" is also known - if you expect the worst, you get the worst. Therefore, it is better to expect only good things from people and from communication with them in advance. In doing so, you should not forget about caution and disregard reasonable principles of safety - but this should not interfere with the establishment of good relations.

Do not hesitate to ask for services, do not wait for loved ones to guess what you need. Ask in plain text and be sure to thank you sincerely when your request is fulfilled. Do not miss the opportunity to do a good deed yourself - in return you will also receive help, perhaps from other people and in a different situation - this is also the law of "reflection".

Make friends with your parents

Remember the times when the actions of your parents influenced your attitude - it could be a divorce, unfounded claims or excessive demands on you, physical punishment. Remember the situation in all its details, "live" it again, and then put yourself in the shoes of dad or mom and answer for them all your questions that you have not once expressed aloud - this will help you better understand the motives of parental actions, realize that evil most likely, there was no intent in them.

Talk to your “inner child”, who continues to live even in the most adult person, give him warmth, affection, attention, tell how good he is and why he can be loved.

Make friends with fate

Focus on the “gifts” she gives you. Let it be small things, but learning to notice them, you will be convinced that a lot of good things are happening in your life.

Events of a negative nature, of course, will also occur - you cannot get away from this. But try to find the pluses in any given situation. It's not scary if at first they are too filled with bitter irony - gradually your subconscious mind will learn to “believe” that in any situation you can find something useful.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of dreaming - thought, as you know, is material, and dreams are quite capable of coming true, especially if you fervently believe in them.