What Was The Official Dollar Exchange Rate In The USSR?

What Was The Official Dollar Exchange Rate In The USSR?
What Was The Official Dollar Exchange Rate In The USSR?

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The dollar exchange rate on the territory of the Soviet Union is a very conditional concept, it is no secret that since the twenties of the last century, foreign exchange was officially prohibited.

What was the official dollar exchange rate in the USSR?
What was the official dollar exchange rate in the USSR?

In the USSR, there were severe punishments for committing such operations, up to execution, and ordinary citizens could only follow the dynamics of the domestic currency from a distance from the media and other information channels. It is interesting that exchange operations were carried out only for persons traveling on a business trip, and within strictly established limits of amounts. For monthly payments of wages to persons working abroad, there was such a concept as a certificate; these so-called Vneshposyltorg checks could be exchanged for monetary allowance upon arrival in the homeland.


It should be noted that during the reign of Joseph Stalin, the official dollar was worth about 60-64 kopecks, such a low price was due to the firmness of the domestic currency and the constantly growing inflation of many foreign countries.

In general, in the period from the 60th to the 91st year, the concept of the dollar exchange rate was incredibly stable.

Experts suggest that the established value was not entirely correct and could well have been simply far-fetched, because before applying to the citizens of the country, the courses passed all kinds of approvals and filters that reflected the results most convenient for the government of the country.

Perestroika growth

The ruble-dollar ratio acquired the most reliable value under Gorbachev and was associated with the signing of a decree on the introduction of a commercial exchange rate, it was at this time that the dollar began to cost about 1 ruble 80 kopecks. A similar act was drawn up with the aim of motivating domestic producers to move to foreign markets, stimulate exports, and switch to market relations. It is interesting that it was from this time that three main concepts of the course were introduced in the country:

- official, - commercial, - special.

The official exchange rate was based on previously existing concepts of the ruble's hardness and was used for economic analysis of the state of the country and the settlement of loans. The commercial rate, as a rule, was three times higher than the official one and was used for direct settlements in foreign markets.

The current procedures of banks associated with the free exchange of rubles for the American currency were introduced only in the summer of 1992.

A special course existed for citizens traveling abroad. Starting in April 1991, this special rate was abolished and replaced by the global market exchange rate, however, even then, in order to purchase currency, it was necessary to provide official documents clearly confirming the need to travel abroad.
