How To Hand Over A Treasure To The State

How To Hand Over A Treasure To The State
How To Hand Over A Treasure To The State

Many people dream of finding an ancient treasure, because it is believed that a valuable find can give a chance to help out both a little money and become the owner of a rather impressive capital.

How to hand over a treasure to the state
How to hand over a treasure to the state

In our country, since the time of Tsarist Russia, a large number of hidden treasures have been preserved that await their owners, peacefully resting in the bowels and other hidden places. They represent not only material, but also serious cultural and even historical value. In various corners of the vast Motherland, people still find buried caches, gold coins, rings, necklaces and other valuables.

Unfortunately, not many people know what to do in the event of a mysterious find, where to donate the valuables. Theoretically, everything that is found on the territory, which is officially the object of private interests, will belong to a lucky treasure hunter, but practically in our country there is a law related to the solution of various issues related to valuable treasures and other finds.

Treasure from the point of view of the law

Having found the treasure, make an inventory in front of witnesses and take photographs, then contact the police. Be sure to read your own application and get an incoming number. Then wait for the expertise.

Article 233 says: a treasure is nothing more than valuable things buried and hidden in the bowels of the earth, the owner of which today cannot be identified and found. For example, if a value rested on your site, and it was accidentally discovered in the course of ordinary construction or planting work, consider that it belongs to you, if other persons who were present on the territory of the property, but with direct consent, were involved in the find. owner, you will have to divide the find in half, of course, unless other official agreements have been concluded in advance.

Everyone, perhaps, remembers the wonderful comedy film in which one of the heroes receives a reward from the authorities for a historical treasure discovered and handed over to the law. Indeed, according to the law, the lucky one is entitled to a bonus corresponding to a quarter of the official estimate of the unexpected find.

Expertise and rewards

The examination of the found is carried out by specially authorized bodies, their representatives are usually competent museum workers. Only they can understand whether the found treasures are historically valuable or not.

Interestingly, in order to find treasures, it is forbidden to carry out special excavations at the locations of architectural monuments.

According to Russian law, a person who carries out excavations leading to damage to historical monuments, securities and more will be punished in accordance with the country's criminal code. In this case, the punishment imposed can be up to five years in prison.

Summing up, it should be noted that the best way out when a treasure is found is to immediately notify specialists who will help to assess it and pay the due monetary reward. At the same time, remember that such an outcome is possible only if the actions were carried out without violating the law.