How To Advertise In A Newspaper "from Hand To Hand"

How To Advertise In A Newspaper "from Hand To Hand"
How To Advertise In A Newspaper "from Hand To Hand"

Table of contents:


There are several ways to place an ad in the Iz Ruk v Ruki newspaper. The cheapest option is to take it to the nearest ad acceptance point.

A faster way is to call the editorial office from a landline or mobile phone. You can post an ad on the newspaper's website via the Internet, but it will not be included in the printed version.

How to advertise in a newspaper
How to advertise in a newspaper

It is necessary

  • - ad coupon;
  • - city or mobile phone;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - a special telephone card (one of the payment options).


Step 1

The most profitable option is to cut out a free ad coupon from any issue of the newspaper, fill it out and take it to the ad acceptance point during working hours.

There are such points in all regional centers where the publication is presented. In large cities there may be several, in small cities, as a rule, one, located in the center or not far from it.

The addresses of the points are in the paper issues of the newspaper and on the regional version of its website.

The submitted ad will appear in the next issue of the newspaper.

Step 2

A call from a landline phone can be paid by a telephone card, by SMS or by a receipt from a landline telephone operator.

Payment cards can be bought in the Euroset and Alt-Telecom communication shops or in the newspaper's announcement points. The card must be activated by following the instructions on it, and then call the number indicated on it and dictate the text of the ad. The minimum card capacity is 10 units, one unit is equivalent to one private ad. The cost of cards - from 420 rubles.

Step 3

You can also pay for the ad on the receipt of the city telecom operator. To do this, you need to call the call center by phone, which can be found in the printed version of the newspaper in your region or on the website. Different numbers may be provided for different headings. Price - from 35 rubles. per call, one call allows you to dictate one announcement.

To pay for the service by SMS, you need to send a message to a short number, which can be found in the printed issue or on the website of the regional version of the newspaper. In the return SMS, you will receive a code that must be named by calling the call center. The cost of SMS depends on the operator, on average from 101, 6 to 140 rubles.

Step 4

You can also dictate an ad from a mobile phone by calling a short number (it should also be in the printed version of the regional release and on the website). The price of a minute of conversation is from 85 rubles. depending on the operator. The number of announcements per call is not limited.

In most of the headings on the website of the publication, you can submit a free ad through the form on the website. To do this, you will need to register on it. Such advertisements will not be included in the printed version of the newspaper.
