After graduation, former classmates often have fewer reasons to communicate. Many have their own families, someone leaves their hometown, as a result of which old friendships may be lost. But with the involvement of the Internet and social media, there are many opportunities to restore old connections.

Step 1
Try to find classmates through social networks. If you graduated from college after 2006, you are more likely to find friends on the VKontakte network. If you have not registered yet, you will need a recommendation from a person who is already on the social network. After you receive an SMS with an invitation code to your cell number, go to the site, go to the "Register" section, fill in the appropriate fields: enter your last name, first name and patronymic, the university you graduated from, and the verification code from the SMS. Click on the button to confirm registration.
Step 2
Fill in part of the profile after registering on the VKontakte website and get the opportunity to view other people's pages. Go to the "Search" heading, highlighted in the upper blue field, select "People" in the search category, specify the university or school in the appropriate section, and the year of graduation. The system will display a list of registered classmates. You can send them a private message.
Step 3
Look for contacts of classmates on the Odnoklassniki social network if you graduated from university before the 2000s. You also need to register there. There is a peculiarity in the search for profiles in Odnoklassniki: the name of the university in the profile is written by the person himself. Therefore, one educational institution may be registered several times in slightly different spellings. In this case, look for classmates for each name separately.
Step 4
Try to get information about a person on the website of the university he graduated from if he is not on social networks. Some universities create open databases of alumni, from where you can find out their contacts, for example, email addresses. This database can be both university-wide and contains information about the graduates of a particular faculty.
Step 5
Try to restore contacts through mutual acquaintances if searches on the Internet did not lead to the desired results.