How To Find The Author Of A Painting

How To Find The Author Of A Painting
How To Find The Author Of A Painting

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If you have a picture at your disposal, the author of which is unknown to you, or you especially love some image on the Internet, but you do not know who created it, you can find the creator of the work in various ways.

How to find the author of a painting
How to find the author of a painting


Step 1

Take a picture of the painting and its reverse side, and copy the images to a computer or prepare for demonstration an image that you previously found on the Internet, the author of which you want to find.

Step 2

Go online and refer to expert and collector forums such as or Image technique experts can determine, with an accuracy of 90%, whose brushes the canvas is. In addition, not only the image itself, but also the reverse side of the canvas, on which there are often special marks of the artist, will help the experts to determine who the author of the painting is. However, often only specialists can decipher them. Visit the forum of the Art of Painting website (, where you can get detailed expert advice for free.

Step 3

With photographs of the painting and its reverse side, you can also refer to the website of one of the online stores or commercial galleries of modern painting (for example, at, especially if you are sure that the painting was painted relatively recently (in XX century). Forum experts know all the smallest details of the life and work of foreign and Russian Soviet artists, even practically unknown ones, so with their help you can also find all the information about the author of the painting. The same can be said about the site, which, however, contains information only about Russian artists. A complete list of galleries is available on the site The resource has a catalog of the most famous Russian artists.

Step 4

Go to the site of the Big Art Gallery of Runet: and either ask for advice on the site's forum, or try to find similar paintings (country, era, school, artist) yourself. In the main exhibition of the gallery and in its “storerooms” (archive) there are more than 150 thousand paintings, so it will be somewhat difficult to find such canvases if you don’t even know to which era or to which fine school this painting belongs.

Step 5

If you are offered to sell a painting, do not agree until you have used all the opportunities to find the name of the author of the painting, information about him and determine the approximate cost of the canvas from various experts. In addition, you can contact the experts directly, but this can cost a lot of money, especially if you decide to sell a painting, which will not be hidden from the eye of a specialist in any case.

Step 6

If you only have a reproduction of a painting you like, refer to sites such as or Moreover, there is an art dictionary on the site, using which you can try to find the author of the painting.
