What Happens To The Soul After The Death Of A Person

What Happens To The Soul After The Death Of A Person
What Happens To The Soul After The Death Of A Person

“And the dust will return to the earth from whence it appeared. And the Spirit will go to the Creator, who gave him. This is exactly what the Bible says about life after death. In fact, each religion has its own guesses about what happens to a person after his physical death.

Near-death survivors say the light at the end of the tunnel is heaven
Near-death survivors say the light at the end of the tunnel is heaven

What is the true death of a person?

The biological (true) death of a person is a complete stop of all life-supporting processes. Death is an irreversible phenomenon. Not a single person can bypass him. This process is also characterized by its dying and posthumous signs - a decrease in body temperature, rigor mortis, etc.

Where does a person's soul go after his physical death?

According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, the afterlife of any person is the most significant stage in his existence. They believed that life on earth was not as important as the afterlife. The ancient Egyptians seriously believed that the other world is a new life, which is a kind of equivalent to earthly existence, only without wars, food, water and cataclysms.

Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians spoke about the human soul. They believed that for the further existence of all its 9 elements, some kind of material binding is needed. That is why in Ancient Egypt they were so sensitive about embalming and preserving the body of the deceased. This was the impetus for the erection of the pyramids and the appearance of underground crypts.

In some Eastern religions, there are teachings about the reincarnation of the soul. It is believed that she does not go into the other world, but is reborn anew, settling in a new personality who does not remember anything about her previous life.

In the religion of the ancient Romans and Greeks, it was generally believed that the soul of a person after his death goes to the underworld of Hades. For this, the soul had to swim across the river called Styx. Charon helped her in this - a ferryman who transports souls on his boat from one coast to another.

In addition, in such legends it was believed that a person who in his life managed to deserve special favor from the gods, sat on Mount Olympus.

Heaven and Hell. The "gap" in science

In Orthodoxy, it is believed that a kind and good person goes to heaven, and a sinner goes to hell. Today scientists are trying to find a reasonable explanation for this. In this they are helped by people who have returned from the "other world", ie. survivors of clinical death.

Doctors explained the phenomenon of "light at the end of the tunnel" by linking similar sensations of a person experiencing clinical death with the limited transmission of a light beam into his pupil.

Some of them claim that they saw hell with their own eyes: they were surrounded by demons, snakes and a nasty stench. On the other hand, “people” from “paradise” share pleasant impressions: blissful light, lightness and fragrance.

However, modern science cannot yet confirm or deny this evidence. Every person, every religion and doctrine has its own guesses and have their own views on this matter.