Deadly Sins In Orthodoxy: The Path To The Death Of The Soul

Deadly Sins In Orthodoxy: The Path To The Death Of The Soul
Deadly Sins In Orthodoxy: The Path To The Death Of The Soul

Mortal sins in Orthodoxy are such major sins that are capable of giving rise to many others. There are seven of them in total. A sinful person cannot count on the salvation of his soul.

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: the path to the death of the soul
Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: the path to the death of the soul

Pride, greed, lust

Pride is exaggerated pride. The root of pride is an overestimate of oneself and contempt for others. She makes you humiliate and criticize others and make judgments. Such a person is an inveterate egoist, boor and impudent person. He will step over everything to prove his superiority. Pride is the main source of anger and cruelty.

Greed is the desire for material gain, which becomes central in a person's life. This personality trait makes you forget about spiritual values, stepping over them on the way to enrichment. Greedy people are often guided by completely unfair methods. Achieving material well-being does not bring relief, there is anxiety about the safety of these values. The cause of greed is a spiritual hunger that was not satisfied in due time.

Voluptuousness is the desire for carnal pleasures and the pursuit of them. A person enters into a premarital relationship and does not put the values of the institution of the family into anything. Depraved thoughts are also sinful because they show a willingness to sin. Man is different from the animal, he is endowed with reason and will. Therefore, it is a sin to follow your own bodily impulses.

Envy, gluttony, anger, indolence

Envy is irritation due to the better position of other people, the desire to possess what does not belong. You can envy both happiness and material well-being. An envious person cannot calm down knowing about this. Very often envy pushes on to cruel and dishonest acts in order to spoil the situation of others. According to Orthodoxy, God gives each person exactly what he needs. Therefore, to want something alien means to contradict God's plan.

Gluttony includes not only excessive eating, but also addiction to alcohol and drugs. All of this is a source of base pleasure. Such a person raises his womb to the rank of an idol. He cannot stop consuming much more than the body actually needs for health. It is necessary to fight the cult of food at the level of consciousness.

Anger is a state of a person when, under the influence of negative emotions, he can offend or harm someone. It is necessary to learn to cope with anger, because it leads to irreparable actions. Frequent causes of anger are exaggerated self-esteem and selfishness, inability to admit their shortcomings and mistakes.

Idleness is avoiding any work. This also includes a state of despondency when a person is visited by a decline in mental and physical strength. As he analyzes his life, he feels disappointed and resentful. This means blaming God for being unmerciful and lacking in humanity. Meanwhile, a person is endowed with reason, which helps him in his spiritual pursuits.