A native of the Kirov region, Ulyanovsk resident Sergei Stanislavovich Yuriev, in his young years, changed many professions. Known as a science fiction writer, storyteller and portrait photographer. His whole life is an incessant creative search for thought, sight, miracles.

Sergey Stanislavovich Yuriev was born in 1959 in the town of Urzhum, Kirov region, in the homeland of the famous revolutionary S. M. Kirov. Sergei's grandmother Anastasia Amonovna often reminded him of this. Now he lives in Ulyanovsk.
He graduated from the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a locksmith, artist, director of the House of Culture, educator at a boarding school, history teacher at school, teacher of additional education. For about 20 years, he led environmental expeditions with the participation of children from orphanages. S. Yuriev writes science fiction novels, fairy tales, poetry. Has been engaged in photography since the age of 8. Exhibits photographs annually since 2009. In 2013 he participated in exhibitions of Ulyanovsk photographers in Paris and Bordeaux.
Sergey Yuriev surprises with the breadth of his hobbies and interest in life.

Creativity of a photo artist
It is known that now many people are fond of photography. For Sergei Yuriev, she became the basis of life. He loves to catch the moments of the world around him. According to S. Yuriev, photography is the art of the real. A photographic portrait is the result of looking for a gaze. Many shots, and the "spark" is chosen. It happens that out of 20-30 frames there is only one "spark". Black and white style prevails. He is more familiar to him. The moment, how to catch the shot, he has associated with the concept of love - whom you love, what you love. This happens at the subconscious level. How such moments sometimes appear cannot be explained. Looking at the photographs of S. Yuriev, people smile, think, wonder.

Pictures, pictures, pictures …
In numerous works of S. Yuriev, portrait prevails. A person of any age. From … to …
The girl looked down. Only the face and bare shoulder are visible.
Two loving hands. They are in their own world, which is inaccessible to others. Each pair of lovers has their own unique world.

A half-naked girl in the shirt of the man she was dating. It turns out his shirt is closer to the body.
The girl at the window. Thoughtful look. And the reflection in the glass is laughing. It happens when the soul laughs.
The sad look of the girl who says that everything is wrong …
Lots of pictures with children. Many have a questioning expression on their faces. Relaxed, natural look.
The teenage girl pondered. This lady-to-be can be called sunny. There are also children conspirators, and those who want to ask the question - what to do? Two giggles - the girl and the mother look at each other and laugh together in unison.
And here is the black-eyed kid who made another discovery. The eyes are widened, surprised, and a finger in the mouth …
Looking at this photo, I just want to play the sunny bunny, like a ball. The kids catch him. It seems like it can be pushed and it will roll.
A teenage boy stands with a banner. He's like a little leader. Who will he be?
The old people in S. Yuriev's photographs are stern, philosophical, lonely and tired. Their whole complex life is read in such pictures.

Literary activity
S. Yuriev is a multi-genre writer. He is attracted by fairy tales, fantasy intertwined with mysticism.
The book “In a World That Doesn't exist” tells how a young man and a girl arrived at the long-empty house of a relative, a famous photographer. And the pictures came to life …
The Soap King fairy tale is a story that happened to Genka Glukhov. He loved to blow bubbles. One day the bubble burst. From there, the soap king appeared, who told about what happened to him. Long ago, he ruled over his people and once imposed a tax on soap. People were indignant and shouted - the king for soap. And it turned into a bar of soap. Many years have passed - remnants of it remained. The boy took pity on him, bought a box of soap and made a real kingdom for this king: courtiers, castles, horses. They did not revive him. Then, all the same, the king became sad. And one day, waking up, Genka saw the lunar path along which the whole kingdom went, led by the soap king.
In 2012 at the International Forum "Popular Literature and Contemporary Society" S. Yuriev was awarded the medal "N. V. Gogol for fabulous literature."

Forever in search
The work of the famous photo artist, writer, journalist, who always subjects his activities to harsh introspection, continues. S. Yuriev as a person has taken place, but he is still in search of creative ideas. He says about himself that he is a free writer. Sergey Yuryev creates beauty through the eyes of an artist and a writer, thereby making a great contribution to the spiritual world of people.