What Year Is It According To The Muslim Calendar

What Year Is It According To The Muslim Calendar
What Year Is It According To The Muslim Calendar

The Muslim calendar is based on the lunar year, which consists of twelve months and contains 354 or 355 days, which is eleven days shorter than the solar calendar. Therefore, the current 2014 is 1435 for Muslims.

What year is it according to the Muslim calendar
What year is it according to the Muslim calendar

The Muslim calendar dates back to June 16, 622 according to the Christian chronology and is called the Hijri calendar. It was on this day that the Prophet Muhammad Hijra and the first Muslims were resettled from Mecca to Medina, a city in the western part of Saudi Arabia.


1 Muharram 1436 corresponds to October 25, 2014 in the Gregorian calendar. From this month every new year begins. Muharram is one of the four holy or forbidden months during which no military action, hunting, fighting and killing are allowed.

First day of month

The crescent moon in the sky on the first day after the new moon was to be seen by at least two authoritative Muslims. This phenomenon indicated the beginning of a new month.

The crescent moon in the sky on the first day after the new moon was to be seen by at least two authoritative Muslims. This phenomenon indicated the beginning of a new month.

The crescent moon in the sky on the first day after the new moon was to be seen by at least two authoritative Muslims. This phenomenon indicated the beginning of a new month. [box # 1]

A day in the Muslim calendar begins at sunset, and not at midnight, as in the solar Gregorian calendar. And the first day of the new month falls on the first day after the astronomical new moon. It is characterized by the presence of neomenia, that is, the crescent moon in the sky immediately after sunset. There are currently two ways to determine the first day of the month. Some rely on the actual visibility of the lunar crescent on the day after the new moon, while others trust the opinion of authoritative people. Both options are allowed by Islam, but often have discrepancies.

Features of months

Since the solar year contains 365 or 366 days, the beginning of the year and all dates according to the lunar calendar are shifted 10-11 days forward relative to the solar one.

Since the solar year contains 365 or 366 days, the beginning of the year and all dates according to the lunar calendar are shifted 10-11 days forward relative to the solar one.

Since the solar year contains 365 or 366 days, the beginning of the year and all dates according to the lunar calendar are shifted 10-11 days ahead, relative to the solar one. [box # 2]

Since the period of the moon's circulation is a little more than twenty-nine days, then a month in the Muslim calendar includes 29 or 30 days. The seasons and seasons do not correspond to specific months, but move from year to year. Therefore, the first month for Muslims can fall on the summer period of the Gregorian calendar, and after a couple of years - in the fall.

The influence of the moon

The lunar Muslim calendar is a natural period associated with cyclical changes occurring on Earth. The moon influences many natural phenomena: the ebb and flow, the behavior of the atmosphere, plants and fruits are filled with juice under the moonlight, etc. Under the strong gravitational influence of the moon on the shell of the Earth on the days of the new moon and full moon, various physical parameters change. Humidity, temperature, atmospheric pressure, magnetic fields directly affect human well-being and activities.

Sacred days

Muslims honor sacred holidays that fall on special days and nights highlighted in the calendar. Such days are devoted to more attentive and deeper prayers, reading of the scriptures, diligent service, and doing good deeds. Friday of each week is sacred, and fasting is observed on Monday and Thursday.