You can find out the last name in several ways. With the development of social networks on the Internet, searching for a surname (when the address of residence is known) is possible without leaving the computer, but in case of failure, there are also methods (for example, a search in a directory).

Step 1
The progressive method of finding a surname (knowing the address) is undoubtedly a search on the Internet. You can start with the search engines by typing in the address. However, unfortunately, not all social networks yet allow people who do not have an account to view the profiles of their users, i.e. if you are not registered with their system. Therefore, if the search does not help, then for a more likely solution to the problem, you can register on the sites:, or Having your own profile (in some cases, you definitely need to add some personal information), the search will not be difficult. You just need to enter the address
Step 2
A proven method is to search for a person through a special city dial-up service (or "help desk"). In every city there is a similar service, the main thing is to know what kind of city it is. The phone number of the service can be as correct, they say that the service is paid and ask you to give the name of the person to whom you are trying to call. Instead of a surname, give the address and thus you will have to be told the surname.
Step 3
Undoubtedly, it is also often common to find a surname through a telephone directory or city base. You can simply buy a reference book in any city. However, of course, searching in a printed, as a rule, rather weighty reference book is a long matter. But there are alternatives. It is possible that there is an electronic version of the directory / city base on the Internet. You can check this by simply entering something like "the telephone directory of the city of such and such" in the search engine. It is much easier to search through electronic versions. There is usually a standard search engine, and then you just need to enter the address - and you will find out the names of the addressee.