7D Cinema - What Is It

7D Cinema - What Is It
7D Cinema - What Is It

The phrase "3D cinema" is firmly entrenched in the minds of modern viewers. But not everyone knows what a 7D cinema is. It turns out that during a session in such a cinema, the chair beats from the inside as if it were alive, moves, vibrates, rains and winds. And also clouds of smoke, soap bubbles or even real flakes of snow may appear in the auditorium.

7D cinema - what is it
7D cinema - what is it

7D cinema is an exciting entertainment for children and adults. In 7D cinema, the line between the auditorium and the screen is blurred, the viewers are completely immersed in the plot and feel the same as the heroes of the film, as if they just took a ride on a roller coaster, visited the mouth of a bloodthirsty dinosaur or got wet under a tropical rain in the wilds of the Amazon … Stereo sound, a movable floor, chairs with special effects, special stimulations in the form of a flash of lightning, rain drops, virtual smoke, and smell multiply the effect of watching a movie and give a lot of unforgettable impressions.

3D image

In the 7D cinema, films are shown on a cylindrical screen that surrounds the auditorium on three sides. The borders of the screen remain out of sight of the audience. Special glasses with a stereo effect allow you to see three-dimensional images that go beyond the screen.

Surround sound

Surround sound is created by a powerful stereo system installed in the cinema. Additional speakers are built into the headrest of each spotting chair. This allows you to recreate the effect of presence, when it seems to the viewer that someone is walking behind him.


If viewers see a volcanic eruption or an earthquake on the screen, the vibration will make them shudder, as if they are in the epicenter of a cataclysm. In one of the films, the main character's phone begins to vibrate, at the same moment the audience sitting in the cinema hall feels a slight vibration at hand.

Chair movement

In the 7D cinema, spectators are seated in armchairs located on a special dynamic platform. The movement of this platform is clearly tied to the movement of the camera in the film. Spectators can experience free fall, hard braking, jumps, collisions, bumpy road trips and other effects.


While watching a film in 7D format, viewers can feel the smells that the auditorium is filled with using a special spray. For example, viewers can smell the scent of freshness when the main character of the film walks up to the reservoir.

Splashing water

If the main character of the film gets caught in the rain or is accidentally sprayed by a passing car, then drops of water will fly at the audience at that moment. An example from American practice: when a dinosaur devours its next victim, drops of warm water fall on the audience, which imitate the blood of the victim.

The wind blows

With fans built into the seating position, viewers can feel the breeze. Moreover, if the main character rides a bicycle or motorcycle, then the wind blows in the face of the viewer, if he watches the landing helicopter, then the air movement will be chaotic.


The lightning effect is accompanied by a bright flash on the screen and powerful vibrations of the viewing chair. With the help of the lightning effect, viewers can feel on themselves not only the power of the corresponding natural phenomenon, but also other effects, for example, an electric shock.


In some 7D cinemas, real snowflakes are poured on viewers while watching a movie. Snow is made artificially and is sprayed around the hall using a special snow cannon.


If, according to the plot of the film, the main character observes a volcanic eruption or participates in extinguishing a fire, then smoke is launched into the auditorium with the help of special devices.


This special effect is very often used in comedy films. Imagine that the main character accidentally swallows soap and soap bubbles fly out of his mouth. At this moment, a special generator is turned on in the hall, and hundreds and even thousands of real soap bubbles appear in the hall.

The effect of movement underfoot

The effect of movement underfoot can be felt when mice, crocodiles, frogs jump or snakes crawl across the floor in the film. The effect kicks in at the most unexpected moment, making the viewer jump in surprise.

These are just the most popular, most used special effects. In addition to the listed special effects, there are many others. If you have not been to a 7D cinema yet, be sure to go and invite your friends and family to this little adventure.
