What Innovation Is For

What Innovation Is For
What Innovation Is For

In recent years, the word "innovation" has been increasingly heard on TV screens, it can be heard on the radio, and found on the pages of newspapers. But what does this term mean and why is the introduction of innovations so important for the development of the country?

What innovation is for
What innovation is for

The term "innovation" is quite old, it first appeared in scientific research in the nineteenth century. An innovation is an introduced innovation that provides a qualitative growth in the indicators of products or services provided. All innovations are the result of human intellectual labor, his ability to find new approaches, to look at the problem from an unexpected angle. Innovation presupposes going to a qualitatively new level, which makes it possible to increase productivity by orders of magnitude, simplify and reduce the cost of the technological process, and impart new qualities to the manufactured products.

The importance of innovation cannot be overemphasized. In conditions of tough economic competition, only countries that are actively introducing new breakthrough technologies will be at the forefront. Russia occupies one of the last places among industrialized countries for the production of science-intensive products, which is why it is so important for the country to introduce innovations that can give a high-quality, breakthrough economic growth.

A very large part of innovation comes into our lives with new industrial products. For example, one such innovation was the shift from CRT televisions and monitors to their LCD counterparts. An equally good example of innovation is the emergence of cell phones. Any product that attracts a mass consumer is usually an example of implemented innovation. Side-loading washing machines, bagless vacuum cleaners, digital cameras and camcorders and much, much more - all of these products are backed by state-of-the-art innovation.

Most innovations are the result of long and painstaking research. But it often happens that it is harder to innovate than to develop it. This is especially acute in Russia. That is why it is so important to give the green light to innovation, to protect people who create new technologies from the arbitrariness of officials. Sometimes for this it is necessary to organize separate innovation sites - an example of this is the Skolkovo innovation center.