Visa Regime With Central Asia - Xenophobia Or Forced Measure

Visa Regime With Central Asia - Xenophobia Or Forced Measure
Visa Regime With Central Asia - Xenophobia Or Forced Measure

The introduction of a visa regime with the countries of Central Asia is a sore subject for Russian society. The arguments are very different, both for and against such a decision. Politicians make promises, but it is not known whether a visa regime with Central Asia will be introduced in reality.

Visa regime with Central Asia - xenophobia or forced measure
Visa regime with Central Asia - xenophobia or forced measure

Arguments against the introduction of a visa regime

Specialists studying social problems in Russia usually oppose the introduction of a visa regime and strict restrictions on the flow of migrants. Some statements of advocates of the visa regime are easily refuted by professionals.

For example, it is believed that the introduction of visas will solve the situation with illegal migrants. In fact, crossing the border on a visa does not yet guarantee that a person will behave more law-abiding than if he entered without a visa. Additionally, illegal migrants from China and Vietnam live in the East of Russia, and citizens of these countries must obtain a visa to Russia. It turns out that having a visa does not allow you to control illegal migration.

Some people think that migrants take away jobs from Russian citizens. In practice, the situation is far from similar. There is a very low percentage of unemployed in Russia. As a rule, people cannot find work only in regions with extremely low salaries. In such places it can be more profitable to sit on the allowance than to work for a pay that is less than this allowance. You can hardly find migrants in such regions.

Some of the arguments in favor of introducing a visa regime are indeed xenophobic and racist, and this cannot be argued with. Nationalist sentiments in society are currently quite strong, and such a move by the government will only strengthen the racist views of some people.

Another argument against the introduction of a visa regime is that the issuance of visas will simply become another opportunity for corruption. Currently, in order to obtain a Russian visa, it is already necessary to issue a semi-legal tourist invitation (this is an official requirement), which in reality is only an expensive paper, no one travels on it.

Arguments for the introduction of a visa regime

Migrants seem to be economically profitable as they receive lower wages, but in practice this means that they are, in fact, powerless. Often they are not paid money at all, they are not formalized, they become victims of the authorities and their own community, which they are forced to obey, since it is a kind of security guarantor for them.

Also, along with migrants, the Central Asian way of life, drugs, crime and other troubles that are characteristic of this region come to Russia.

It would seem that the decision should be based on economic and social reasons, and you just need to analyze everything and come to a consensus. But the Russian government is contradictory, on the one hand, bans are being introduced and promises of a visa regime appear, and on the other hand, the concept of Russia's migration policy, approved by the president, promises noticeable relaxation.